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Sonic runs out of an exploding battleship while carrying an unconsious Amy. Sonic looks upward and to the right and notices a piece of the ship falling toward the ground in flames. Sonic backs up, starts running, and takes a huge leap onto the piece of the ship. Right as it's about to hit the ground, Sonic jumps off of the debris and makes a rough landing on the ground far enough away that the explosion doesn't reach them which causes him to drop Amy. Now in the middle of a field, Sonic walks over to Amy to see if she's alright. Amy wakes up and Sonic helps her up.

"Sonic...what happened?"

"You were captured by Eggman. Why he wanted you I have no idea."

"Well thanks for saving me, Sonic. I knew you would." Amy said with a smile.

"No problem." Sonic said as he turned his back and started walking.

"You're my hero, Sonic!"

"That's nice..." Sonic said as he kept walking.

"Are you just gonna leave me all alone out in the middle of this field?"

Sonic turend around.

"Come on, Amy."

"But is just the two of us out here...and it's so beautiful here."

"A piece of Eggman's battleship just blew up like a hundred feet from here." Sonic said pointing toward the wreckage.

"Forget that! Look around at everything besides that! Isn't it beuatiful?"

Sonic looks around and takes in the scenry.

"Yea, I guess it is pretty nice." Sonic says with a smile as he crosses his arms.

"All the trees and flowers and birds...this could be a perfect place for a date!"

Sonic's eyes widended as he uncrossed his arms and looked at Amy.

"We can have a date! Right now!"

Sonic turned around and started walking again.

"Sonic! Where you going?"

"I don't have time for dates, Amy. If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to save the world from a fat egg shaped doctor who's trying to conquer it. Also, I don't wanna go on a date with you."

"You will enventually!" Amy yells.

"Yea...keep thinking that."

Amy gets an angry look on her face then starts to running catch up with Sonic.

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