Purple's dream

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("Corruption" "Reactions" "Invisiable" and "The early day" come before this chapter. I'm just listing them since I've published a lot of chapters recently)

Purple laid down on the floor of his containment unit trying to sleep. Yep he just murdered someone and nows he's sleeping. He gives no cares about anyone what so ever it seems.

Purple was happily dreaming when he thought he heard something come down the stairs. Purple ignored it at first not caring because victory was in his reach, but he continued to hear sounds. Purple sat up angry at being awoken and pleased with the possibility of killing another sibling or torturing one. He got up a devilish and twisted grin forming on his face. He waited for whoever it was to come down here. Probably brining him food or something.

He looked around and saw no one.


Or is someone trying to scare him?

He's a literal knife wielding manic so good luck trying to scare him

Purple thought the sounds were just his imagination and he turned around and tried to lie back down. He laid there for a about a half a minute closing his eyes to go back to sleep when he heard a murmur

"P..pur...ple." A voice said.

Purple looked around slightly disoriented and he stood up.

He looked all around the room and saw no one.

Was Purple developing a guilty conscious?


Purple didn't care about Magenta being dead so why would his thoughts haunt him?


Perhaps this was part of the insanity setting in Purple

Hmm yes that must be what it is

Purple decided accept his fate of being crazy

No point in dealing with being insane right now

He'd deal with it when he wakes up

Purple went and laid back down closing his eyes as he heard a voice again

"Waaaa...ke uuuuuppp." The voice said.

This time Purple knew someone HAD to be there

He immediate stood up and looked around the room.

He didn't see anything at first, but then he saw something

Move in the shadows

He couldn't see it, but he could tell someone was there

Purple began to question things

Purple could see in the dark how could he not see whoever this was?

Purple fixed his eyes on the figure

The figure slowly floated forward

The figure moved towards Purple

Purple locked his eyes on the figure trying to make out who it was

When the figure finally emerged from the darkness

Purple froze





No not yes

Could it be?

"M...m..."Purple said as he started to shake a little.

"Magenta." The figure said.

"Ma..magenta? How are you?" Purple asked.

Magenta looked at him and gave a wicked smile.

"I st..stabbed Magenta!" Purple said.

"I know." Magenta replied.

"No I've gone insane!" Purple said. "INSANE!" Puple cried out.

Magenta took delight in watching Purple become filled with fear and then insanity.

"That is so." Magenta replied.

"But I assure you I am real." Magenta replied.

"You.. You can't!" Purple said.

"Oh can I?" Magenta asked. Magenta started floating closer to the hatch on the door to open it. She opened the door and stood outside letting Purple out of his cage. Purple began to realize that this must be real. Purple was confused as to why Magenta would let him out of his cage. And then it dawned on him. She was here for revenge.

Purple's eyes went wide with realization, shock, and fear.

"Revenge!" Magenta said as she picked up Purple and held him. "REVENGE!" She screamed at Purple as he started screaming as loud as he could.





More darkness

Oh so much darkness

Then finally

Purple sat up

Purple was back inside his containment unit?

The entire thing was a dream that Purple's pathetic subconscious was reasonable for

Purple almost chuckled at the idea of fearing a dream

Magenta is dead she can't come back as a ghost

Ghosts don't exist

Or do they?

Purple decided to not sleep since sleeping didn't seem to be working

He leaned his head on the door trying to drown out his thoughts when the door pushed open

The hatch to Purple's "cage" was open....



(Was Purple dreaming? Was that really Magenta? Who or how did the containment unit get opened? Why is it impossible to say no when Girl Scouts as you to buy their cookies? Why am I asking you questions that you don't know?)

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