Chapter Three: Our Little Secret

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A/N: Sorry~ This chapter somehow got deleted while I tried to write the fourth. Speaking of, Chapter four should be up tomorrow! I had huge writers block, and typing up about thirty pages from my notebook is no easy task!
So this chapter may be a little boring, it's purley plot driven. It's setting up for the better stuff to come! Plus, I promise that the next chapter is going to have tons of fluster, and fluff. To add, I created some characters that move the plot. Don't worry, they won't have any powers like the noobs.

P.S. I did the cover art for this chapter!


The sun hung lazily overhead, and white clouds created shadows over the land. Just another reminder that is was in fact the same horrible day. The same horrible day I wish I could forget. Embarrassment clung to my face, the heat reaching my ear. My heart pulsed at an alarming rate. I can't believe I almost cried in front of Shope! Supernoobs don't cry! Why did I have to appear so weak? I needed to keep these tormenting feelings inside, I know we all did.

Our group of friends didn't really talk about the deep stuff. It was hard to bottle up all of the raw emotions. Tyler was still struggling with his dad's disappearance. He went missing in war, and I'm pretty sure that has also influenced Tyler to be the strong, responsible leader he is. He wanted to be the hero like his dad, and I can't blame him for that. I know Tyler's mom has him seeing a therapist. He doesn't know I know. I only know because I overhear my mom talking about it to Tyler's mom on the phone. Ever since, I've really tried to be the best friend ever. Not sure if it's even helping.

Shope's parents are super controlling, and that's no secret. They are so controlling that I'm actually surprised she hasn't turned into an absolute rebel. She writes in a journal, and it was an accident the Roach and I stumbled upon it. We were searching in her backpack for her science notes I missed. Roach grabbed out a notebook, and flipped to the last page. I had started to absently minded fill in my own notes when I finally realized. Opening the cover I realized it was Shope's purple book. The soft lilac covered one she was constantly writing in. Roach helped me turn on the fireplace, and burn the page I copied. It was better safe than sorry honestly.

As for Roach, I'm not sure he has any emotional issues. Any that I know of at least. He seems to have a pretty stable home. I could write in a journal, but my handwriting is chicken scratch. Plus, it just wasn't satisfying. There isn't anyone to console you, or to give you advice. So empty, and so not helpful.

The crisp air of the outside world was refreshing. My legs take me to the edge of the school yard. A half brick wall was built to help block off the janitor's shed. It was also far enough away from the building that it wouldn't be seen. Thick trees provide shade, and seclusion.

I set my back against the cool abrick. It seeps through me, numbing any warmth. The embarrassment returns as sadness, the tears from before fill my vision.

Augh! That was just so, so, so dumb! Grabbing my hair with my fists, I kick out with a hiss of frustration.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Tears slip from my eyes, and I feel my nails dig into my head.


"Are you okay Kevin?"

"Yeah, just super tired."

"Dude, you need to stop staying up playing video games!"

"Pfffft, never! So, uh, what's up?"

Tyler scratched his head, the concern dissipating.

"I uh, I think that I like....Shope.."

The world stopped, and my mouth opened up more than what should ever be normal. His eyes searched mine for a response. I couldn't help but gape at him for a while.

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