Painkiller || Tord

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"I love you, Tord."

Tord shot up from his bed, gripping his brown locks as well. He took deep breaths and roamed his eyes around the place. It was his bedroom, with the same design, the same atmosphere and the same messy place.

He stood up groggily, shifting his feet against the concrete floor. He slowly made his way to the bathroom to wash his face. 

"Tord, it's been at least 5 years or so and you still haven't moved on from her?" he spoke to himself. "It's just 3 dull words, Tord. She's never coming back to you and she has a better life now." 

Those bitter words pierced his mind like a drill and he can't. Get. Them. Out.

He looked down at his feet. His socks were slowly getting soaked, considering his bathroom had small splashes of water everywhere. He clicked his tongue. "Look what you got yourself into, Tord." He murmured. 

Unexpectedly, he felt tears roll down his cheeks. He pursed his lips, rethinking to that one memory of his. The one heart wrenching memory that he couldn't seem to get over.

He replays and replays and replays that memory in his mind---it's a tragedy for him.

The way you held him so gently and told him, "I don't think we can work this out." is glued onto his train of thought. If only Tord knew the consequences of ever breaking your heart, he'd put away his comic books and give you some compassion. 

Silly Tord just waved the poor girl off, leaving her heartbroken. He remembers how tightly she gripped on her travelling bags--like they were her only comfort in the world. "Fine, if that's how you want to be. Have fun reading those comic books, Tord. I'm leaving."

And only then did Tord realize how much he fucked up.

"The thing I only needed to do was to hold her in my arms and kiss her. Tell her how much I love her and AGH---it was so easy, Tord! You just had to love her-" Tord cut himself off, feeling an intense migraine coming on. He gripped his hair even tighter and shut his eyes.

He was slowly spiraling----and it didn't stop. Painkillers. Painkillers. Painkillers. That was it! That was the antidote. Tord took his pill bottle from the cabinet and started putting 3 pills in his hands. He smiled and quickly chugged them down with water.

He could be overdosing at this point, but he didn't care anymore. It was helping in numbing the pain. And that made him happy. It was his only hope at this point.

Or at least at the moment.


Tord walked out his house, and decided to go for a walk. This felt good...nice, even. The painkillers did the job and he felt good as new. He breathed in deeply, taking in the air of his surroundings. 

He closed his eyes, enjoying the beautiful lies the pills were making him experience. He started to walk, slowly but surely. He gained composure halfway through his walking. He had his mind set on the park where he can look at dogs and just appreciate them.

Tord, being the overdosing dork he is, dropped his wallet. So he bent to pick it up when a girl who seemed busy bumped onto him. 

Tord fell over but successfully held the wallet in his hands. He looked up and the most beautiful miracle happened. The cheery atmosphere Tord once had surrounding him suddenly turned extremely blurry except for...

"(Y-Your name)?" Tord stuttered. The girl averted her gaze from her phone and onto the brunette. "Tord? Is that you?" she narrowed her eyes.

"Y-Yes! (Your name)---I missed you." Tord smiled. He raised his hands to cup her cheeks, expecting to get rejected but was somehow allowed to do so. "I--"

"Tord, I'm sorry we ended on a rough note. It's just, you didn't care enough for me. And when I told you about my job at France, you barely showed me any excitement---not even the slightest bit of sadness!" You held his hand which was cupping your cheek.

You slowly put his hand down. "I'm...just sorry." you finished. "No---I....I'm to blame for. I should be the one sorry! You were my girlfriend and the least bit I could do was to love you. And yet....even at that I was disappointing. I'm so sorry." He stood up and held an arm towards you. You gently took it, standing up as well.

"I know you can't forgive me anyway. What's the point?" Tord sighed. "I-I forgive you." You stuttered. "Wait..what?" Tord questioned. The painkillers were starting to wear out. "I just want to start over, Tord." you smiled.

"Speaking of starting over---what happened with your job at France?" Tord asked. "Oh, I got into an argument with my boss. He was getting all freaky on me, showing up at my house, touching my stomach all of a sudden, telling me all about his sex life, it was too much. And not to mention disgusting. So I quit the job and moved back here. To reminisce the good old days." you smiled. 

"Ugh, I'm sorry that happened." Tord frowned. "Eh, I'm in the process of letting it go." You laughed. "(Your name) do realize I still love you, right? I still get lost in your (eye color) eyes. And..." he trailed off. 

"Tord, I honestly...would like to give you a second chance. You seem like you changed." You grinned. "Really?" Tord squealed. For the first time in years, Tord felt happy again. You nodded, laughing when Tord picked you up and spun you around. 

"I still love you too, Tord." You rested your forehead against his, softly smiling. Usually, when Tord does these strenuous stuff, the migraine would come back.

But not this time. Because now, Tord's permanent painkiller came back to his life.


Guys I wrote this at midnight I'm sorry if this sucked lol bye.

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