Chapter 4

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The night Connor officially talked to Skylar had been the best night of his life.

And the most thought consuming.

Connor laid in his bed that night staring off into nowhere for at least two hours. All he could think of was Skylar. Over and over he replayed every word that was spoken between the two.

He tried to come up with ways to see her again. When he remembered the capture the flag game that was the next day he racked his brain for what position she usually was.

The poor guy couldn't remember. He told himself he'd be playing offense so he would have a chance to 'run into her'.

How pathetic.

But he couldn't stop thinking about her.

She reminded him of a princess, an angel. The way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she walked, even the way she talked!

Her absolute grace was eating Connor alive. He wanted the feeling to stop, but at the same time he didn't.

What was even more pathetic was that he had probably only said twenty words to the girl in his whole life!

He really wanted to talk to her more. He wanted to be stuck on a deserted island with her and only her.

He was starting to sound like a teenage romance novel.

Connor wondered if Travis had felt this way about Katie. If he had, Connor couldn't help but feel guilty for ever teasing his brother about his crush.


Connor was pumped for this game. Blue team was going to dominate. Joining the Hermes cabin would be Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Apollo, and a few minor cabins.

Connor was determined to accomplish what he came to accomplish. That accomplishment was in no way, shape, or form his plan to find Skylar.

Pfft. That would be silly.

So, when it came time for the teams to line up, Connor was ready.

Being the leader of the Hermes cabin, Travis got up and went through all of the rules for the new students. It was weird seeing him up there. That was where Luke used to stand.

The thought of Luke gave Connor a sick feeling. The fact that Luke might be alive gave him an even sicker feeling.

If Luke was alive, would he be the old Luke or the Luke that...well the evil Luke.

Connor knew that all of his wrongdoings weren't completely his fault, but Connor couldn't help but fear his half brother a little.

Once the Luke thoughts subsided Connor quickly came to the realization that the game had begun and he had lost visual of Skylar.

Whoops, not that he was watching her or anything. That would be creepy, right?

Anyways, Connor went running off into the woods to jump into a tree.

Now, Connor was tall for his age, but the kid was probably the most stealthy in the camp. Not that he ever bragged about it.

Ha! Who am I kidding, he bragged about it every chance he got.

Once he was up in the tree, whip in hand, he was ready to focus.

He watched a few players run to the end of the red team's base and began to grow curious of what could be happening.

He hopped out of the tree and started following one of the red team's tracks.

He heard a few people yelling, but couldn't see them.

Connor Stoll and Skylar ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now