Chapter 18

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When we got back to camp, I helped Skylar to her cabin then went to mine to crash.

I could tell my siblings wanted to know where I had been for the past few days, but I was too tired to explain.

When I woke up the next morning, I went on a run. It was like the first time I had ever went running on my own. I never really liked running, so the sudden urge was weird.

It was nice, though. The air didn't feel as sticky as it usually did. I still missed the real-world coolness, though.

I hadn't even thought to check the time, so I wondered if I'd get in trouble for being out this early. Then realization that I didn't care if I got in trouble hit me.

Why in the world would I care if I was frowned upon by Chiron?

I didn't know where I was running. It felt good to just move. Unfortunately, there was no running away from the camp.

I turned the mp3 player I'd gotten for my tenth birthday on and listened to music that was somewhat outdated.

It was better than silence.

I ran by the strawberry fields and towards the woods. The urge to run into the trees was weak enough to ignore. I didn't know what (or who) was in there.

I thought of Skylar. Had she had a good night of sleep? Her ghost pains had decreased within her time at the hospital, but there was a possibilty she still got them.

I wished there was more I could do for her. I mean, she was missing a leg and I was here running. I should've been doing more for her. The problem was, she did just fine on her own. As much as I wanted to be involved, I was probably being a bit too invasive.

Maybe I wasn't.

Either way, Skylar deserved some space.

I thought of the day Skylar got hurt. Everything had just started getting better. Things felt...normal.

Then the stupid goddess came in and screwed everything up.

I felt myself run faster. Maybe the angry in me was getting me pumped.

When I came to the other end of the cabins I turned and headed for the beach.

I kicked my shoes off and started running along the water. It felt good...peaceful, maybe.

It was easy to run on the sand, it was still hard from high tide.

I thought back to the first day I actually talked to Skylar. She had been so cool with showing Liam -or Nyx, whatever- her mood rocks. I still had the one she gave me.

Somehow that reminded me that Katie wasn't doing well. I hadn't even asked Travis how she was doing.

I turned myself around, to start heading to the infirmary so I could see if Katie was there or not.

I only turned around to face my half brother, Luke.

I jumped and swore. "What the heck, man? A little warning would be nice."

He gave a sad smile and put his hands in his pockets. "Sorry."

I put my hand on my stomach in efforts to control my breathing. Surprise wasn't any of the emotions I was feeling, I knew I hadn't seen the last of him.

He looked like he did five years ago. A nice, young, college student who would give his life to win capture the flag, maybe skinnier than before.

"How is the girl? Skylar?"

Connor Stoll and Skylar ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now