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Just like darkness it can cover or hide anything by its brightness. We might not notice it but light isn't always that positive. Sometimes we just use that light to temporarily remind ourselves that everything is fine even though it's not but mostly it brings positivity. So we come into the brightness forgetting the darkness we've come from. This brightness covers and erases all the darkness we once had to help us forget the negative and bitter memories.

But... Sometimes when the memory is too strong — even the light can't erase it.


The boy jolted.

He's heart thudded as he felt the horror of his dream rush through him.

Heart beating rapidly, the boy looked around his surroundings noticing that he was in an unfamiliar place.

White, white, white. The color was everywhere! May it be the walls, the floor, his clothes, or even his bed. It was very confusing but the place doesn't smell like any normal room. It was too organized and clean to his liking.

He saw another boy across him who seemed to have fallen asleep on the couch. The boy swallowed as he called out the other. "Uh, hello?"

The mysterious boy on the couch, widened his eyes when he heard the other's voice. "You're awake, again," The boy with the wide shoulders said. "Did you have a dream again?"

Finally recognizing the face, his heartbeat calmed down. So he decided to get some answers about the whole place."What do you mean, Jin hyung?" The boy's eyes furrowed. "Where am I?"

The tall boy stood up from his seat and sighed. "You know it's tiring for me to keep telling you this but..." He walked closely to him and came to a stop.

And that's when the glass frame became visible to the other's eyes. There was a division between them all along but he didn't notice it until now.

"Jungkook... You're in a mental hospital."

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