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Days turn nights
blue turns black
you're out of sight
and my love breaks.

How tragic it is
the heart I adore
turns into
a place of sorrow.

For the world
is where we touch,
yet it feels like
we're several
galaxies apart.

No love would ever
the smell of your perfume
the smile of a thousand stars
the soul I fell in love with.

You were nothing
that I never thought
would be something,
the sun has dimmed
milky way has blown
nothing left but crumbles
and tears.

The universe misses
the sparkle of love
when we were a pair,
but not anymore.

There's a hole in the universe
that would never be closed
and there's a hole in me
that would never get filled.

Can I borrow
a minute of the past
to hold you tight?
not knowing
it'd be the last time
we touched.

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