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There were a multitude of things to like about sex. The list could go on for days, and for every person, it was different. Some people liked the foreplay. Some people liked to relish in the fire of the moment, Some people liked hair pulling. Tony Stark liked the morning after.

He enjoyed the feeling of waking up with someone in his arms and staring at the ceiling until the sun rose. He liked it when whoever it was in his bed woke up before him and they would stare at each other until one or both of them was awake enough to get up.

Usually, though, Tony didn't get the chance to enjoy the simplicity of waking up slowly. There was always a meeting, or a press conference, or patrol as Iron Man, or a debriefing. And sometimes the girl just wasn't worth it to open your eyes and stare at her for hours.

But not today.

Today, Tony woke up with the one person he could stare at for hours upon end. He rolled over and blinked as the sun got in his eyes, shivering as the cool sheets shifted around his naked body. He was immediately faced with a pale back, shoulder blades pointing out at beautiful angles, topped off with wavy locks of raven black hair. He reached out and touched, ever so lightly, the smooth skin adorning those sleeping bones. His hand looked tan and calloused in comparison.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey," Tony called softly. He grinned when the head twitched and shifted slightly to glance at him.

"What on earth are you talking about...?" Loki replied, sleep heavily present in his voice. His lips were pink and soft and formed words lazily. Tony laughed.

"You know how strange we Earthlings are with our odd greetings. You'd think you'd be used to this by now." Tony stretched his arms out and brushed the wall behind him. He relaxed in that position before finally sitting up and glancing around the room. It was bright and beautifully lit with Malibu sunshine, the white walls were dazzling and the clothes and armor equally scattered across the floor made long shadows in the rising sun's light. The ocean beyond the cliffs looked like it was made of crystals.

"JARVIS, who's home?" asked Tony, slowly making his way to the edge of the bed.

"It appears that it is just you and Mr. Laufeyson, sir," the AI curtly replied. Tony sighed in relief. That meant Loki didn't have to just teleport out of there; they could spend a little quality time with each other. At least, as much quality time as a Norse megalomaniac and an alcoholic billionaire could have.

Loki seemed to following his idea of getting up and stretching. Tony watched as lean muscles stir under skin pulled taught. The blanket slipped, revealing the rest of Loki's long body, from the nape of his neck to his pale arse. Tony's tonguecame up between his teeth and he bit it to hold back a suggestive remark or three. Loki seemed to notice his staring and turned to show a mischievous smirk.

"I don't think I'll have the stamina for another go," he chided, looking Tony up and down himself.

"Party pooper," replied Tony. He grinned, though, and leaned over the mattress to place a peck of a kiss on Loki's back. He felt the god shiver under his lips. "We'll just have to put the stamina back in you, then. How about some pancakes?" Tony jumped off of the bed and began rifling through the mess of clothes, trying to find something that was still wearable, whether it was his or not, he didn't care.

"...What are pancakes?" Loki asked. He joined Tony for a moment in the hunt for clean clothes, but gave up and just conjured up a robe. The troll.

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