2 : Outbrust

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Arnav walked inside their room and found Khushi folding clothes. He locked the door and went to her.

Arnav " Forgive me Khushi "

Khushi " Why ? "

Arnav " I'm sorry Khushi. Please forgive me. I forcibly married you thinking you having affair with Shyam . Khushi I..... "

Khushi in anger " Don't you dare Arnavji. Don't you dare. I can't believe after knowing me all these months what made you think I was having an affair with....with Shyam ? "

Arnav " I saw the two of you on the terrace together, you in his arms and him telling you he loved you. Then you asked him to divorce Di. I couldn't believe what I had heard that day. I was going to tell Di that day but then I found out she was pregnant. I needed to save my Di's marriage so I forced you to marry me "

Khushi terribly hurt " And you never once thought of asking me what exactly had happened up on that terrace. It is true what I had once said to you that when get angry you never seem to think about what you are doing. In fact this whole situation has happened only because of you temper "

Arnav " Khushi I know I have hurt you but..... "

Khushi " Hurt ..... That's all you have done since the first time we met. You should remember that after all the great Arnav Singh Raizada never forgets " with hurt and sarcasm in her voice " After everything you have known about me how you believed that I... that I could have had an affair with....with Di's husband ? What did you say you heard on the terrace that he loved me and that I asked him to give Di a divorce? Did you hear anything before that or after? My guess is no as you would have heard what I said but no you just heard what you wanted to hear and think that..... " in tears

Arnav was feeling guilty that he had hurt her again. He still tried to close to her but she put her hands in front of him to stop him.

Khushi " Well let me tell you from the first. After you put those photos of how we met me, I had men following me, taunting me, wanting...... " tears flowing from her eyes " That day Shyam who came to the rescue me. If that day he wasn't there... " closed her eyes remembering that moment while Arnav clenched his fist in anger "I know I shouldn't say this but for that day I will always be grateful to him but after that what he said was a big lie. He came into Gupta house as a paying guest and deceived everyone saying he was unmarried. During the whole time he was at Gupta house I always thought he was a good friend nothing more. I don't know when he got the idea that I loved him when I didn't. I didn't even want to get engaged to him let alone marry him. I would have never said yes if that day on Diwali " with tears still flowing from her eyes went to bed

Arnav moved towards her. Khushi avoided looking at him.

Khushi " I broke my engagement the day when I found out he is Di's husband. I slapped him before I ran into you that day. You saw me crying. I wanted to tell you then and there but I remembered how much you loved Di and couldn't see her cry so I stopped myself. On the way home I kept thinking of what to do. But Shyam came to Gupta house and started lying again about how nobody in this family loved him. How he had found the kind of love he was looking for with Guptas. He was trying hard to convince me but I didn't listen. I told him I was going to tell your family but then he came out with what about jiji and her wedding. I knew he was trying to frighten us but I didn't want to back down. The next day I came to Shantivan to tell Di everything but when her mangalsutra fell down and I caught her reaction to that was awful. She almost broke down and I couldn't say a word. I didn't say a thing for her and her only. I didn't say a word and look what happened " turned to look at Arnav " How could you think that I would do such a thing? I kept quiet for Di and you.I still get accused of something like this. Why ? " in hurt

Arnav " I .... I am so sorry Khushi "

Khushi " Sorry? Sorry? How many more times? How many more times are you going to hurt me ? " fuming looking at Arnav

Arnav started to move towards Khushi but she stood up and was walking away when Arnav grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. She fell forwards on to his chest. Arnav grabbed the chance and hugged her. Khushi began to struggle in his arms. She started trying to push herself away and when that didn't work she started hitting him while she started crying again.

Khushi " Let me go Arnavji. I hate you "

Arnav didn't let her go instead brought her more closely to him. After a little while she gave up fighting and just cried in his chest.

Arnav " I'm sorry Khushi. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please give me another chance "

Khushi was still crying not knowing what to do next. Because she knew she loved him but he always hurt her at every turn. Arnav carried on apologizing as he cradled her in his arms. His one hand going up and down her hair trying to soothe her while still apologizing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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