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Sasuke's P.O.V

Ever since our little reunion with team 7, I couldn't help but sense someone was watching me. After I killed Orochimaru's army, I went after this person who's been haunting me for two months. To my surprise, it was Shinju with her pet wolf.

"White Fang, let's ditch this place..." She whispered. Oh, I don't think so. I smirked confidently. She turned around and bumped my chest.

"Uchiha Sasuke..." She didn't bother to look up.

"Hatake Shinju. It's been a while." I said monotonously.

"It's been two months. I see you're training at your fullest. If you'll excuse me, I have to go." She said emotionlessly with her eye piercing into mine.

"No. I've been wondering something about you." According to Orochimaru and Kakashi. Kakashi inherited the sharingan from a friend. Does this mean Shinju inherits it as well? Her hair or her headband would always cover her left eye. I pinned both of her wrists which she struggled to let go.

"Let me go." She seethed.

"White Fang..." No response. "White Fang?"

"I casted him into a genjutsu." I simply said.

"Damn it!" She cursed. I caressed her cheek, but she shifted her face. I slide the headband up and saw the Sharingan. My eyes widened. There was a third person who wielded the sharingan.

"You got me. I have the Sharingan. I inherited it from my father now let me go." Shinju looked away.


"Kill me then." Shinju said desperately.

"No." I cupped her cheeks, and took off her mask and tried to see her face once again. My motion was soon interrupted by her wolf who bit my shoulder making me lose my balance and fall off the tree.

"Good boy!" She was out of my sight once again. Damn that hurt like hell, that wolf sure bites hard. I regained my posture and headed to the hideout with Shinju still in my head.

Shinju's P.O.V

My heart was beating fast, way too fast. He discovered a part of my secret. I'm was so screwed.

"Good boy!" I praised White Fang. Once we were further away from Sasuke, we landed on the grassy ground. Night fell, and the temperature cooled. "Thank you, White Fang. You saved my butt. If it weren't for you, I would've been unmasked."

"I wouldn't let my cub be kissed by a traitor who hurt her." My heart skipped a beat.

"You consider me as your cub?" I looked at him fondly.

"Of course. More like a cub, like a little sister that I have to protect." I hugged him, and he nuzzled me keeping each other warm. White Fang howled, and a majestic gray wolf came in the scene. I bowed in respect and laid my arms for it to sniff me. The wolf nuzzled my hand, saying she/he trusted me. "This is my brother Grey. He'll guard us for the night."

"We didn't agree on any terms, White Fang." The gray wolf growled.

"She's exhausted. Please, Grey. I promise I'll hunt your breakfast tomorrow." White Fang begged. In the end, Grey accepted the 'contract,' and I fell asleep. I woke up from the smell of blood. I scrunched my nose and woke up to see White Fang with a huge deer. Grey came in and helped him rip the animal apart.

"You guys want the meat raw, on point or over cooked?"

"On point, if that's alright," Grey answered politely.

"Same for me please."

"Both of you back off before your fur burns up." They stepped away. "Katon goukakyuu no jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)."

The meat was complete. The wolves dug in, and I ripped out a piece of meat and ate. This meat was excellent, as expected from White Fang; the perfect hunter.

"You're always good at hunting good deer Fangy." Fangy?! I laughed, and White Fang turned red. "Shut up..."

"Speaking of which, Grey would you like to assist us on our mission?"

"What is it now? We're playing capture the flag now?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, we are observing the Uchiha who resides in the hideout. It's an order from the Hokage. I'm not an ordinary ninja; I'm an ANBU. Also known as the Death Shadow."

"You're bluffing." Grey said in disbelief.

"She isn't bro." White Fang said in content. Grey bowed to me. "It's an honor to meet you. I've always admired you."

"Please, no need for formalities. What is your specialty?"

"Hearing abilities. You might as well know; White Fang is good at tracking with his nose."

"I'm well aware of that. I'm good at observing. We might as well become a tracking team." Grey took out a scroll.

"Here, summon me when you want to." I signed my name, and Grey did the same.

"Now that's done, let's go." We changed our observation tree since Sasuke uncovered me. We checked now and then the hideout. A month past and nothing changed.

One faithful day, I saw Sasuke getting out of the hideout without Orochimaru or Kabuto. Usually, he would have a scroll for his mission but nothing. Could it be? Was Orochimaru in his body, or was it still Sasuke? I needed to find answers. He headed to another part of the hideout. Forty minutes later, he recruited a strange person. I examined his body, he was made out of water but was still human? Was this one of Orochimaru's experiments? They headed to the direction of Konoha. Why? I followed them, and I prayed that I wouldn't be found out. They led to the Land of Waves. They bumped into a few people.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Sasuke glared at the man making him run away. I tried to blend with the people, by putting on a cloak. They were on their way to Zabuza's grave. The water guy, who I soon apprehended was named Suigetsu. He took out the sword and put it on his back. They left the village unnoticed and left for an island. Perhaps a prison. They got out a red head girl. I confirmed it was Sasuke, not Orochimaru. I bet she was another fangirl since she kept on clinging to Sasuke. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I sent a hawk direction to Konoha.

Sasuke's P.O.V

Man, Karin is annoying. She keeps on clinging to me. I noticed a hawk going to Konoha; someone was spying on me. I threw a kunai towards the spy, and the kunai was deflected.

"This will be over quickly Sasuke." Said Suigetsu confidently. He jumped to the trees, and metals were clashing. I activated my Sharingan only to see another Sharingan.

"Shinju." I whispered. Suigetsu was down with a faint scar on his neck.

"Ouch! Man, what was that? Whatever it was, it sure does slice quickly." A growl was heard and a white wolf landed, and a grey one followed soon after. Shinju fell gracefully, with her wolfs beside her, guarding her protectively. "I've been repaired once again." She sighed.

"Who are you?!" Karin asked snobbishly.

"Where ever you go, a fangirl always sticks next to you." Shinju sighed.

"Why are you spying on me?" My eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Yeah? Are you stalking him like every other girl?" Karin screeched like an annoying banshee. The only reason why she would be a useful asset to team Hebi was because of her healing abilities.

"Says you, who drools on him and clings onto him like no tomorrow." She shot back making Karin form a tick mark on her forehead.

Shinju started to leave. "You are not going anywhere."

"Oh, man. What a drag." She bent down to her wolfs and whispered something in their ears; my Sharingan couldn't decode what she was saying for some unknown reasons. They disappeared and she turned towards us.

"Only way to stop me, is to catch me..." She said tauntingly and flashed away. I had to know why she was spying on me. 

Struggle (Sequel to Shinju Hatake)Where stories live. Discover now