To See A Noble Burn

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~ ~ ~ indicates a POV change

- - - indicates time passing
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


It was late. Very late. The sun had gone down more than just hours ago and the moon was high in the sky. I had stopped by the house of the small family to drop a fourth of the sovereigns they owed in the basket along with a red cloth and eat. They had set fish out for me by the lit fire to keep warm accompanied by some fruits. I had eaten it hungrily and departed. Tonight was a night of no sleep.

While Blue and Gold were at the port "securing" those sovereigns from Niriam himself and "collecting" information I had gone to speak with some of the merchants who weren't so fond of the Ferelden noble. This led to following a name trail until I met someone with a good enough financial standing and social status that they had strings to pull against Niriam. A deadly puppet show would ensue in the future and he'd be caught in the strings. I'd spun a web and he'd be entagled and eaten alive by his own associates. Cannibalism of the classy. I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

My thoughts drifted as I crossed into the leather making district. I'd been to focused on a minor victory today that I'd stopped watching my surroundings for awhile. Long enough that I mentally scolded myself for not being more careful. I turned to my left and rounded a corner so I could catch a glance behind me. A trick I learned over the years instead of glancing over my shoulder constantly. There was a figure not too far off, shouldering his way around an empty merchant stand towards me. Great... I had been too reckless. The long way around then. I quickened my pace and ran as soon as a neared the corner. My mind played out different routes I could take and chose the best one. I knew these streets well, I'd lose him.

~ ~ ~

"This Red character. You've known her for quite some time now?" The question was unexpected and threw my mind into searching for a reason as to why he would ask such. Though knowing Zev he was probably implying something of a sexual manner. He always did.

"She's not a lover." I blurted out to deter any further leadings towards the subject.

"I did not say she was. Though if she was surely you would at least include me?"


"You can't have all the fun, Rinna. How selfish of you to keep a lovely flower such as she to yourself."

"Now what were you actually going to say about her?" I ignored his antics knowing he had something else to say. Underneath his mask of charm and seduction Zev was a complex individual. He could be caring, capable of love, even though the crows were against such. Love is a weakness they say but I think it's a strength. Take Red for example, she is a spy, sent to watch me because of who I am and who I could be but she became more. I know if it came down to it she would betray her people instead of me. We are family and that is because of love. That is what the crows lack. Love.

"Just that we have been carrying out these missions of hers for many months. How is it I have not met her before now?"

"She did not want many people knowing of her and her connections."

"I imagine it is quite dangerous. Does she tell you how these things are resolved?" He asked in a lowered tone as they began to ascend the stairs of the apartments.

"Of course she does. Unless I have already received word of it through ..." my breath caught in my throat as Zev's door came into view. It was ajar and steps could be heard walking to and fro inside. An arm reached out and halted my progress, pushing me against the wall where we were currently standing. He reached a toned arm up and drew one of his twin blades before stepping lightly towards the room. I held my breath with concern and anticipation. Red wouldn't be so careless as to leave the door open, she wasn't one to draw attention to herself. I watched as Zev peered through the gap at the pacing figure inside and turned back to me. He sheathed his dagger and waved a hand dismissively at me. So it was no threat but I did not involve me. That was no matter for concern but I felt a twinge of worry. She was supposed to be waiting for us in Zev's apartment and if it wasn't her occupying his space then who? And where did she go? The answers would come soon enough I supposed. But all I could think of is what it would mean for Red if she was caught... or me for that matter. I couldn't lose her.

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