chapter 2 purple hoodie

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The cool air whipping at your skin made a shiver spread along your spine, hands rubbing at your biceps as your teeth chattered behind your pressed together lips. Loud laughter and screams filled the air, the night lit up by warm orange hues of carnival rides and haunted houses.

Your feet felt stiff, trapped in a pair of uncomfortable sneakers you regretted wearing, eyes glued to the back of Minseok's head as he told your friends something apparently hilarious.

It was far too cold out to be stuck in a stupid line for a stupid haunted house in a tank top and torn up skinny jeans. You were too annoyed to continue being stuck in front of Chanyeol and Sehun as they flirted with a group of girls behind you, Chanyeol's cologne wafting to your nose whenever he moved his arms about.

"I told you to wear a jacket." Jongdae sung in your ear, chuckling when you punched his arm to get him to stop.

"Shut up. I'm not cold."

You were right in assuming Minju wouldn't last long, considering she was old news before the end of the week. Every week there was another girl, at this point it was more surprising if he slept with someone more than once than it was when he'd sleep with someone new.

Each one felt like a small nail being hammered into your coffin, the dread of seeing the remnants from his escapades when he found his way back in your bed was becoming stronger each passing day. Pulling his shirt off and being met by the odd scratch or nics to his perfect skin made you want to scream, heart clenching in your chest and only being soothed when his lips molded to yours and muffled the silent shouts.

It was like an infinite state of self torture, your will too weak to just stop things all together because when you were alone with him it felt too delightful. It felt too good to have his hands on you and his deep voice whispering praises into your ear from behind, to have him driving you home from work and filling his senses with you and only you for a few hours. It made you feel silly, when you let yourself wonder if he'd ever think of you how you'd been feeling for him. Some days he'd be so disinterested in other girls and laying on the affection with you it felt almost plausible.


You were always brought back to reality when you spotted him out with someone else, his hands all the places they had previously been on you. When his lips would press into her temple and he'd whisper something that made her laugh and smack at his chest. When he would pull her along by her wrist and yours would burn with longing for the same contact, even if anger and jealousy were exploding in your stomach, the feelings so strong you could be sick.

LIke now, with Chanyeol's laughter loud behind you when his arm draped around the pretty brunette with your group of classmates and friends. Several of you had decided it'd be fun to go to the small fall festival across town from campus, the night sky and crisp air a perfect setting for an evening with friends. The first hour had been fun, Minseok and Sehun riding the orange glowing swings with you, Jongdae, Chanyeol and the others occupying themselves grabbing drinks. It wasn't til you came back after another ride to find your group had expanded to include the pretty girls that your mood started to plummet, the cool air only speeding up the annoyance every time they'd giggle.

Somehow you'd all ended up in line for a haunted house, one of those ridiculous ones that you could barely see your surroundings in, where people jumped out around every corner. It was designed like a maze inside, though small and presumably easy to figure out. Everyone besides you and Minseok seemed excited by the idea, your arms folding tightly over your chest in an attempt to not appear as cold as you felt, glaring at Jongdae when he snickered at you again.

"After this we should get something warm to drink, maybe some snacks too." Sehun piped out, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket, hair pushed off his forehead in a way that made him look incredibly handsome. His angular features looked soft in the warm glow of the paper lanterns lining the wall behind him. "Before you freeze to death."

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