Chapter 14- I'll be alright, just not tonight

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Ed's POV 

They got Taylor stabilized finally. She's in the clear. We were that close to losing her, I finally finished that song. It's called Autumn leaves. (For this story Autumn leaves was never released.) As all of us sit in silence, watching Taylor, her eyes open.

"Why am I here?" She asks in her hoarse voice.

"We brought you here when we found you love."

"You shouldn't have." I looked around at the sorrowful faces of her family.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I wanted to die."

"But I couldn't let your life go to waste. I couldn't bare the thought of not seeing you next to me each day." tears began to fall from both of our eyes.

"I"m sorry."

"I know, but don't you ever do this again ok?"


Just a second later the doctor walked in. He quickly check Taylor. He checked the bruises that still covered her body from the jake thing and he just checked other things that needed to be checked.

"Well everything looks ok. I'm sorry to say, but your going to be stuck here for a week on suicide watch. And I don't know why you weren't told this sooner, but I'm diagnosing you with post tramatic stress disorder. We'll be putting you on a mild setitive for about a month and you should take it when you have an urges or attacks."

"Ok thank you doctor." Taylor says.

We're all really tired so we decide to go to sleep.

A/n: I really wanted to update so yall weren't worried haha. But ya I'm sorry this chapter is shit.  So you can complain/ rojoice in the comments!

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