Mine Part 3

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Authors POV 

Taylor walked down the aisle in her fluffy white dress. The bodice was jeweled with swarovski crystals. The bottom was extremely puffy and it had crystals placed throughout it. She wore a faux fur shawl on her shoulders and her hands were tucked in muff. The faint sun reflected off her dress and the snow that covered the ground. It looked like something out of a dream.

Her father's are was entangled with hers as they made their way to the altar. As she walked up Ed stared in awe. This wasn't the dress he had seen the picture of a year ago. It was a new one, one that he thought looked much more her than the other. He was in awe. She always looked flawless, but to him, right then, in that moment she hadn't ever looked more perfect. She looked like an angel as  her father gave her away and she stepped up on the altar. He took her small, skinny hands in his tough ones. Her nails were a classic french manicure with diamonds on a few of them. 

Their eyes locked and they looked at each other with pure admiration and love as the minister spoke.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite Taylor Alison Swift and Edward Christopher Sheeran in holy matrimony. If anyone objects please speak now or forever hold you piece."

As he said those words Ed and Taylor smiled at each other as they had joked a thousand times about that song during the planning of this wedding. They joked about what would happen if someone stood up. They joked about how if the tides turned and taylor was watching Ed get married instead of marrying him, how she'd stand up and Ed would run away with her.

Before they knew it the ring bearer was walking up with the rings. The minister knew they had written their vows so they began the vow ceremony.

Taylor took Ed's wedding band and slid it on his finger.

"Ed, for the past 2 years we've been together we've been through so much. We've had some really bad things happened to us and some amazing things. And now we're here together and we have a baby on the way and I've never been happier. This, this amazing, luxurious life we lead could be gone tomorrow, but if I still had you, I wouldn't care. As long as I have you anything could happen and I'd be okay. And if a day comes where someone says something that makes you wanna fall to your knees, I'll be right there to catch you. I want you for worse or for better. Whether you're a millionaire or you have 10 dollars to your name. As long as you stay you, I'll stay with you forever. And I'll be 89 and you'll be 88 and I'll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky. I love you Edward Christopher Sheeran."

 "Taylor, in the past few years my love for you has multiplied 100x more. I fell in love with you the way you fall asleep... slowly then all at once. I fell in love with that adorable laugh of yours. I fell in love with your piercing blue eyes. I fell in love with your red-lipped smile. I fell in love with every thing about you. And for the longest time I was beginning to lose hope in love. I was beginning to think I'd never find the girl I wanted to move to Framlingham with and have adorable little lads and girls. But in you, I found her. I found the girl with a heart of gold that I'd always dreamt of. In you I found everything i could have ever wanted. I love you Taylor Alison Swift."

"Do  you Edward Christopher Sheeran take Taylor Alison Swift to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Taylor Alison Swift take Edward Christopher Sheeran to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

And he did

SO HEY GUYS! LONG TIME NO UPDATE! SO CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT FOR THE SWEERAN FEELS BECAUSE I ALMOST DIED WRITING THIS. So I have a question for y'all... In the chapter of their honeymoon do you want like a pretty sexual scene or a not very detailed sexy scene? I'll write whatever y'all want SO PLEASE GIMME THE FEEDBACKS

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