Jack And Anti

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It was a normal day just like any other,  jack was editing a video while Anti was on his phone, scrolling through tumblr. Anti was bored, so he got up and watched jack do his thing. "What do you want, Anti?" jack said, slightly creeped out. He hated when anti watched him work. It always gave him chills for some reason. "I'm bored, so i came to watch you work." Anti said simply. He always denied having any interest in jack whatsoever, always saying he was bored or tired when he did show interest in him.

At that moment he got a notification from Mark. He and mark had been friends since the time mark followed jack on twitter.

Markimoo: so, you coming to pax this year?

Jack looked at the message, he had almost completely forgot about pax! He looked around, he needed to get packed and book a plane to LA. He also needed to record some videos in advance. He had 1 week till Pax. He heard Anti laugh behind him. "Always putting things off till the last minute, aren't ya?" He said with a smug look on his face "By'Jayses! i forgot ya was there! ya' scared the shite out 'o me!" jack's accent became stronger do to fear. Anti laughed and walked away to relax for a bit. Jack sighed, calming dawn and replieing to marks message.

Jackaboy: yeah, i'm going! Almost forgot about it tho.

And off he went to pack for Pax. 


Sorry for the short chapter! the next one will be longer, i swear!

A Septiplier, Danti fic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now