Backstory: Part 1

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Kyra's P.O.V

"Don't worry baby, daddy will be home soon."
I watched them take my father right from me, and I couldn't understand why. But I was so blind to what really happened because of my age at the time. I was born in a small hospital in East detriot, and I lived with my momma and my daddy, until my daddy got into something that was to much to bare. My daddy was one of the biggest drug dealers of his time. Everybody knew his name and he was feared by all, but he had a soft spot when it came to my momma. Together they ruled the drug kingdom, but soon after things began to crumble when my momma got hooked on drugs, but it wasn't her fault. My momma got kidnapped by one of my daddy's enemies and forced to take the drugs to get my daddy to give them what they wanted, and by the time she got back to him, her mindset was completely scrambled and she acted as if she couldn't function without them. My daddy was hurt seeing my momma like this so he sent her to rehab so she could get her life together. My momma agreed to go and came back a couple months later all "clean". After this life became a mary-go-round for them. From money problems, to hiding, and bacisly moving from town to town, and then finding out they we're having me.
I was born March 19, 1992. And that was the day a real ass bitch was born. I was spoiled completely, ya girl was rockin Gucci diapers. But even though my first years of life were lavish things started to go left once again when my momma and daddy started having problems in their marriage.
My daddy was always put on business runs and my momma almost always had the house to her self, and I guess you can say my momma had a type, because someone else in the drug game caught my momma eye. This affair went on for months without my daddy knowing until my momma couldn't hide it anymore, because she was pregnant. My daddy was ruthless and wasn't satisfied until blood on his hands, so he got my momma to set up the man she cheated with up. The plan was to call the affair, like business as usual, but little did the cheater know how tho hook up would end. I witnessed my momma sitting staring out to no where, and my daddy was lingering around as if he was waiting for something. When the man finally came, my momma was nervous and figity. Even I knew something was about to go down at the time.
My momma sat him on the couch and began to confess to him that she was pregnant and he seemed more happy then she did. He started to go on and on about he would proudly raise me and their unborn child. My daddy appeared outta no where with rage in his eyes and started viciously beating him while my momma cried in a corner. He tried to get tough and swing on my daddy but my daddy whipped out a gun and shot him without any regards.

9 months later, my younger sister, winter, was born. My daddy treated her no different from the way he treated me. She almost didn't make it because my momma was really stressed and got back on drug mourning the loss of man she had an affair with.
My daddy had to send my momma back to rehab, because he wasn't trying to deal with that again and due to the fact the she almost killed winter. And knowing he couldn't take care of both of us he had to hire this Puerto Rican nanny to help out, but predictedly he ended up falling for her while my mom was away.
When my momma came back a year later, she didn't like the fact that another woman was raising her kids.
My daddy had lost all love for my momma but he still had that "you still my babymomma" type love for her, and he was for damn sure not going to get rid of the nanny, so they all stayed in the house which caused more tension rise.

When I turned 5, my daddy got arrested. The day started off normal, me and winter were coloring, Sylvia, the nanny, was cooking dinner, my momma was watching tv, and my daddy was on the phone talking business. Then all of a sudden loud sirens and yelling makes us almost jump outta our seat. My momma and daddy's grew eye wide while all these policeman bust all in our house. My momma scoopped me and my sister in her arms while my daddy sprung up and ran. Several policeman jump him, pinning him down. They cuff my daddy and yanked him off the ground walking toward the door. Sylvia was so shooked and my momma showed no emotion. Winter was balling her eyes out, and I sat there with watery eyes watching them carry him out.
"Don't worry baby, daddy will be home soon."
He managed to say through forecul policeman.
They ended up giving my daddy 25 to life, and Sylvia's gold digging ass didn't stay around to wait on him. Social services took me and winter away from our crackhead momma and moves us to our grandma's house and we stayed there till it was time for us to leave the nest.
When we moved in with our grandma turns out something just as crazy was happening next door.

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