Backstory: Part 2

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Kyra's P.O.V.

One year later.

Janyia became cool peoples. She was like another sister to me. Even Winter thought of her that way. She wasn't as stuck up as I thought she was, she's actually been threw it.
We all decided to be there for each other through thick and thin. We were all we had.
Our bond grew stronger as time went on. Things seemed so simple then. I wanted to protect them both. They were my rocks.
Just as I thought everything was peaceful, once again things went wrong.
My grandmama had a heart attack and fell hard as hell on the kitchen floor. The loud crash made me and winter jump out of our seats. Winter ran into the kitchen before me and she screamed with horror. It sent chills through me. I darted after her. I made a sharp turn into the kitchen, winter was hunched over my grandma crying heavy.
I could only stand there with my mouth wide open.
"Granny wake up! Granny wake up!" Winter shook her rapidly. Her face was soaked.
I pushed winter out of my way and flipped my grandma over. I could hear my own heart beating. I put my ear on her chest but I couldn't hear anything. I put my hands over her chest and pushed down repeatedly.
I seen this in movies and it always worked for them.
"Kyra stop! You making it worse, stop it!" She kept shaking my arm.
"Winter shut up!" I snapped at her.
We couldn't believe what was in front of us. My eyes felt heavy , I wanted to cry.
"I-Is she dead?" Winter asked through sniffles.
I couldn't answer her question. I was so hurt. We sat there with our grandma's lifeless body inches away from us.
"Kyra who gon take care us?" Winter asked
I ignored her question again.
I glanced at the calender. August 31st.
School didn't start till a couple of weeks and that should be more than enough time for me to do what I needed for me and Winter.
"Who taking care of us?!" She yelled. "Me!" I yelled back.
"I got us, Winter."
She looked at me confused.
"If they find out granny gone, they gonna take us again. And what relative you know that's gon take us?"
She continued to look at me confused.
"Nobody, cuz granny was all we had left. Look I'm only doing this for our own good. Its the only choice if we wanna stick together."
Winter nodded her head.
"What are gonna do about...that?" She pointed at the body.
I didn't even wanna look at it.
"Grab those garbage bags."
We lifted her up and wrapped her corpse in the bags. I hope I'd never have to go through this again.
We carried her to the basement and sat her on the old couch we had down there. Winter looked at me and I looked back at her. That's all we could do at this point. We headed up the stairs and I could tell Winter was still shook.
"Would you relax?" I asked folding my arms.
Winter stopped pacing and faced me, her face was red and her eyes were puffy. I knew she was hurt, so was I, but it's times like this when you gotta, suck it up and keep it pushing.
She rolled her eyes at me. I knew what I was doing.

It was 2 months into school and no one had no idea what happened to our grandma. I was able to go to orientation and fill out me and Winter's school information. Janyia went to the same high school as us. Me and Janyia was starting our junior year, and winter was starting her freshman.
I was really trying to make everything work. It was hard. Without my grandma I felt like the world was on my shoulders. I used the money our granny had left over before her passing to keep me and Winter feed and clothed these past months. But we were running low.
I was losing sleep at home knowing my granny's dead body was just sitting under the house rotting. It became hard for me to focus in school but I pushed through best I could. Winter was trying too.
Niya could tell how drained we were.
"You ok?" She asked greeting me at the front of the school.
"I'm fine." I assured her.
"Are you sure because, I knocked on your door and no one answered."
"No one was home." I stared blankly. I really didn't feel like being interrogated.
"So you gon lie like that?"
The warning bell rang.
"Kyra, what's wrong." She stood in front of me. She wasn't to let me go to class unless I told her.
"Bro nothing, please just move. I'll see you after school." I worked my way around her and headed off. She stood back not even trying to talk to me anymore.
During the school day I really try to keep to myself together, but people really wanted to test me. This one bitch decided it'd be funny to bust her ink pen my paper. It really wasn't a big deal but all that built up anger and sadness erupted outta me and I went off. I called this girl every name in the book and she better be lucky I ain't put my hands on her, because I was close.
I let out everything I had in me and just lost it. I threw my books and bag and slammed my fists down on the desk. My teacher tried to calm me but I told that hoe off too. She threatened to call the principal and that made me even more upset.
The school security guard rushed in and dragged me out of the class into the principal's office.
I sat there staring at him with no expression. He was facing the computer going through my grades and attendance. He wrote down something before looking back up and clicking his pen. I sighed dramatically because I wasn't with the bullshit today.
He looked at me sharply and spoke with a deep, bassy voice.
"Kyra, you have 3 days of suspension for insubordination, you think now is the right time to have an attitude."
I sat back and folded my arms.
"Now I can't let you go back to class because of this, we're calling someone to take you home."
I sat up quickly with wide eyes and he noticed it and squinted at me.
"Do you have someone to pick you up?" He questioned.
"Uh, no I walk."
He clicked his pen and wrote down something again.
"Well stay in here until schools dismissed, and we're still calling a parent about this temper tantrum you had."
He handed me a clipboard and a pen before picking up the phone and dialing the house phone number.
I knew why she didn't pick up and it put knots in my stomach.
He called 2 more times, before leaving a message explaining what happened.
I couldn't even write right. I was so nervous.
His deep voice made me look up quick.
"It says that your grandma is unemployed and available to contact at any time, so why isn't she answering?"
The knots tightened
"She's prolly sleep." I tried to say calmly.
"If she doesn't contact me when you get home, then we have a problem. Got it?"
"Yea." I said dryly.

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