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C h a p t e r  F o u r

Only a true wolf will fall in love with the moon.❞


I blacked out.

After just watching a vicious beast shift into a man before my eyes, I didn't blame my body nor my mind for shutting down after just witnessing something like that. I promptly return to reality feeling warm and sated, my eyes fluttering open to an oak wood ceiling; the air felt incredibly warm beside the blistering coldness that had attacked the surface of my skin, with a hostile desire to merge within my bones and freeze me to death.

I inhaled deeply, the smell burning of wood drifting into the air, the sound of fire crackling and popping in another room had me turning my head against the pillow and towards the open bedroom door, gazing out into a small hallway that stretched down a staircase that leads to the first level.

My gaze moves away from the door and around the room I lay within, a couple of green plants hung from hooks on the ceiling that goes along with the dark brown planks the walls were made of, a dresser off to the side of the bed, near the window, and the bed in the middle of the room. Despite the raging storm outside, slamming against the window and howling into the sky: I felt safe.

I slowly rise up, breathing calmly as I hang my head and run my hands down my face, everything coming back to me. A part of me didn't want to believe that everything I witnessed was real, yet the other part somehow expected it and understood more than the other; and that only caused more confusion to settle within the pit of my stomach.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was also being watched, eyes analyzing every aspect my body has to offer, the hairs on my body prickled at attention as if to brush away the feel of eyes that hovered over my skin. Something brings me to look in the corner of the room off to the far left, away from the door— my heart was in my mouth.

Dark eyes stared deep into mine from the corner, unwavering and hard, I'm not sure how I missed his huge form when I was scanning the room a few minutes ago. We stared at each other, my reason being that I didn't know how he would react. The longer I stared, the sooner I began to recognize him as the beast that turned into a man.

And that made fear grip my heart as if they were reins to a horse.

He was bare from the waist up, his bottom half-covered with pants —like what Marcus and the other man were wearing earlier. His muscles and torso were visible for my eyes to feast on, to observe every feature with an unmasked look of want: just like he's doing with me. I didn't know whether to make the first move or wait for him to that instead.

The thump of footsteps on the stairs finally broke my gaze away from his and the heavy pressure of emotion that was conjuring in the pits of my core. Thoughts boggling my brain, I turn to the figure that had quietly made its descend up the stares. Marcus's mop of dark locks appears as he ascends towards the room, a tray with food in his hands.

He seemed surprised when his gaze collided with mine. "Ah, I didn't realize you'll be up this soon," he says as he sets the tray down on the bedside table.

"How are you feeling?"

"Um, fine—okay, I guess," I shrink away from him a little when he reaches forward and touches a spot on the back of my head.

The pressure from his fingers immediately causes me to wince as pain shoots from the back of my skull— at the same time, an animalistic growl fills the confinements of the room, shuddering at the walls as it resonates loudly. My gaze snaps over to the corner, where the bare-chested male resided, still crouched in his positions; his eyes glaring holes at the side of Marcus's face with his top lip curled over his teeth.

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