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C h a p t e r T w e l e v e

Don't be afraid to walk alone. Don't be afraid to like it.


AFTER MARCUS INTRODUCED me, he released everyone back to their previous activities. Some lingered near the bonfire, it long burnt out, casting their eyes my way; while discreetly watching me with caution in their eyes. I ignored them all, hiding away the nerves from their prying eyes as Marcus once again strides his way toward me, that friendly, welcoming smile still on his lips.

"Well, how was that?"

"It was good, what was that language? Greek?" I question, feigning innocence.

He nods, stuffing his hand in his pocket, "Yes. Are you familiar with it?"

I shrug, "It was a lucky guess, I've heard it before when I was in college as well."

As soon as my lips formed around the finishing lie, I couldn't help the sharp zap of pain that sliced the strings of my heart. The mention of said establishment that brought me nothing, but stress, anxiety, and tears hit too close to home —a place that was ripped brutally from my fingertips. I angled my head a bit so that Marcus couldn't see the smile drop on my face with the evidence of hurt in my eyes.

"Come walk with me."

I shift my eyes back toward him as his words linger in the air. Confusion distracted me from earlier emotions.

"Walk with you?" I say.

"Yes, we won't go far, just walking outside the perimeter of this clearing."

I mull it over for a short second before nodding and making the motion to stand on my feet. Arsen, watching the whole interaction, goes to stand to his feet as well when Marcus swings his arm out; stopping him from standing.

"Stay here," he tells him, "We won't be long and she isn't going far."

Marcus adds that last part, more for his sake bringing the obvious that he was stuck to my hip, never wanting to leave my side. Arsen squinted from beneath his lashes, still hunched over as if to stand, he leveled his gaze for a few moments with Marcus. It was when the older man beside me raised his brow, challenging, that he shifted his gaze with an unmistakable angry huff.

His eyes slide to mine, the dusty color the grey clouds brought to the world caused his eyes to reflect their brilliance, sparkling. My heart skips at the simple act of connecting gazes, with warm blood rushing to the destination in my cheeks, I avert my gaze.

"It'll be okay," I mumble, reassuringly.

As if my wandering words were what he needed to hear, he relaxes. Looking between Arsen and me, Marcus chuckles lightly and beckons me to follow, setting his path to where we long come from upon arrival earlier.


The voice was low but loud at the same time, stopping him in his tracks, not that many steps were taken from the bonfire's place of non-existence. Simultaneously, we both turn to find where the voice had come from, seeing Marriak; one of the elders, walking towards us. I ball my hands together as his slender frame gets closer, her gaze flickering from me to Marcus.

"Elder Maarika," Marcus calls out.

"I couldn't help but overhear you back there," she answers, her voice thick and evident that she spoke another language besides English. "Do you mind if I join?"

"Not at all."

Maarika graces him with a tiny smile at his response, coming to stand beside him, our bodies positioned in a tiny triangle. The feeling of penetrating eyes scorching the back of my head, the flames behind this stare threatening my skin as it teases my flesh with its heat, I resist the urge to turn back as the three of us tread through the snow until it became unbearable, I shift a glance over my shoulder to find the other elder – Cade – looked on with narrowed eyes. They lowered further when we locked gazes.

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