Chapter Nine

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They were all staring at me as if I was from another planet. I didn't quite understand it, not that I was ever going to. These Angels were quite strange. Though, if another one of them kissed me I was going to go insane and go on a killing spree. Just saying.

          But maybe it was just the falling that had changed them so much. I really don’t know, but I also really hoped that it wouldn’t happen to me. I didn’t want to change, I still held out the hope that He still loved me and that one day He might accept me back into His arms.

          I shook myself from those thoughts. Why was I even thinking this? Why would I even want to go back to Heaven? There was actually a reason for my fall. I hadn’t even wanted the criticism my revelation had brought upon me, but you can’t really choose how people think about you, now can you?

          Oh well, I thought as I forced myself to turn my full focus back to the scene in front of and around me, which was pretty much all of the Angels and humans in the room just staring at me, which was getting very annoying. I was about to start going crazy; the looks they were giving me was driving me insane, mainly because I wanted to know what they were thinking.

          “Echo,” Alasdair said and I turned my head to look at him. “What happened? Were you with. . .Cearbhall?”

          I crossed my arms as I met his familiar, yet foreign gaze. “Yes. He was holding me prisoner, along with some humans. I believe you know a few of them.” I paused, trying to recall their names. “Kate, Ezra, and Cairo? I believe that was what Ashlin said.”

          “Ashlin?” A man with dark hair and blue eyes said, meeting my gaze. “Who else was there?”

          “Well,” I said, studying him. “Let’s see. There were the sisters, Ashlin and Daylin. Then there was Kate and Ezra. Cairo, and I believe there were two more.” I paused, closing my eyes and pressing my fingers against my forehead. “Toni and Sari. Yes, that’s it.” I opened my eyes. “That’s who were with me, along with Ever and Sile.”

          After a long and somewhat awkward silence, the one with the red hair and strange blue eyes said “well? What happened?”

          Her voice sent shivers down my spine and I turned around slowly to face her, staring intently into her eyes. “You are Aurnia. Correct?”

          She stared at me, seemingly taken aback. “Yes,” she answered hesitantly after a momentary pause. “And you’re Echo.”

          I watched her, tilting my head to the side. “Yes.”

          She smiled and I felt a smile form on my own face. “I believe there is a Demon here, taking over an Angel,” I said. “How can I help?”

          Her smile widened even further. “My friend, Cam. His Demon took over and they locked him up somewhere.”

          “Well,” I said, “if I know Alasdair-and I do-I can guess as to why he would do that.” I turned to stare at the Angel in question. “Don’t I, brother?”

          He just glared at me, his gaze knowing and pleading for me not to say it. But I knew I had to tell them, had to reveal his secret. If it didn’t come out now, it would most definitely come out later. “When I was human. . .” I trailed off as the ground began to shake and I felt the wall tremble.

          I felt a warm hand on my arm and glanced over at Aurnia. “Are you alright?” She asked, eyes gentle and worried. “Is something wrong?”

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