Chapter 4: Fright Night

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I got up from the dining room table and crouched over to Rex. He looked at me. I stared into his shiny red eyes, I was so drawn to his eyes. They seemed... enchanted. I sighed and patted his head before going into my room. I spent almost the whole day in my room playing video games. The time past quickly. Rex entered my room at around 8:00 PM. I didn't notice until around 9:30, he was silent. I grew tired and I had to sleep anyways, I had school the next day. 

I shut off my video games and I went into the bathroom to do my business and to get ready for bed. After I finished my night routine I hopped into bed while Rex stayed on the floor. Before shutting off my lamp I kissed Rex on the head and told him good night, then I fell fast asleep. 

It was turning morning, around 5:00 AM when I felt something on my fingers. My left hand was hanging off the side of the bed. Without moving my hand I moved closer to the edge of the bed and the closer I got, the more of Rex I saw. It started with his tail, which meant his face was near my hand; then his body showed, and finally, I saw Rex, nibbling on my left index finger. It was only a matter of seconds before his nibbling turned into biting. His glowing red eyes flashing around my hand each time he blinked. I watched in pain as he began ripping my finger off. I was bleeding like crazy. I've been yelling this whole time, yet, my parents didn't come into my room. I was wailing as I noticed I was no longer being bitten, I saw my finger being chomped on inside of Rex's muzzle. 

While he was distracted I ran out of my room and shut my door, making sure he couldn't get out. I scurried into my parent's room, leaving the door open. I walked in and couldn't see anything but when I turned the light on I saw red liquid, everywhere. When I walked in, I saw my mom laying on her stomach in the middle of the carpet and my dad on top of her. I dashed over to them and I pulled my dad off of my mom. As I pushed my dad off, I saw his whole stomach was pulled out, his intestines were spread out, everywhere. My mom's whole back was covered in his blood. I shrieked and began to bawl. I hesitated before turning my mom around. As I turned her around, it revealed her half-full face. The right side of her face was bloody and scratched up. Her eyeball was out of the socket and her ear was hanging by a thread. Her nose was completely opened and her mouth was bitten into. I began to sob for a good minute before getting up and running into the kitchen for a towel to cover the gap where my index finger should be. In the kitchen, I covered up the fingerless gap and kept the pressure on it to slow down the bleeding. Meanwhile, I grabbed the sharpest knife I could find and I slowly prowled toward my bedroom door. 

I stood outside my door holding the knife in my right hand and keeping the towel on the fingerless gap in my left. I was preparing myself for what was inside of that room. I quickly but surely opened the door, getting myself into a position to fight for my life. Inside the room, it was pitch black except for the two solid, glowing red eyes staring straight at me. I heard steady footsteps getting louder, closer to me. Following the footsteps, I heard a faint snarl. The snarl got louder every inch he got closer. My sweaty palm gripped the knife as my brown eyes started into the mongrel's red eyes. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and the snarling grew louder. Out of nowhere, the mongrel leaped into my face as quick as a cheetah. Before I could get the knife into him I felt my flesh getting ripped to shreds. I felt my intestines dropping out of my body instantly as he bit inside my stomach and dug into me, deeper and deeper. I felt him rip my torso apart. Before falling insensible, I heard a robotic maniacal laugh come from the dog's muzzle.

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