Possession or Obsession?- Chapter 11

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"Ghost" by WILDES

Mutatsiya Facility- Location Unknown

Interrogation Room #1- Second Level of the Facility

Patient #679

Status: First Avian-human Hybrid Successor

0408 Hours

Scarlet could only gasp slowly when the hold on the bag over her head finally loosened, the cool air offering relief to her burning lungs. Ever since Scarlet had figured out that she was caught out of her cage, her ears had been ringing; The shrill noise was now a deafening wave of sound, she was beyond checked out of reality. Someone ripped the bag from her head, causing her to jerk slightly in response.

The room was dark except for a single light bulb, and in her daze Scarlet still tried to be vigilant of her surroundings. Aside from all of the guards in the room, the only other object in the room was a table along the side wall with items on it that Scarlet couldn't see. Muffled conversations were being held around her as a pair of hands took a hold of her wrists, pulling them above her head before tying them together with coarse rope. Scarlet couldn't manage to snap herself out of the trance, for she was still too busy trying to settle her breathing. The rope tugged at her wrists just a hair leading up to her entire body being drug up into the air, the realization of what was being done came to her fairly quickly.

They're suspending me in the air in order to attempt to get answers out of me, they'll try to break me in numerous ways, whatever they may be...

When her feet were just off of the concrete, the guards tied the rope to a hook on the wall behind her. Her head turned slowly towards Atlas who was leaning against the wall across from her, the ringing in her ears was finally beginning to die down. Scarlet's eyes narrowed dangerously at the guard captain, ever since he and his little team had arrived in the building, they had only caused trouble for Scarlet and hardly ever did their jobs aside from Atlas constantly criticizing her at any possible time.

"Don't scowl dear, it doesn't look good on you." Atlas rumbled quietly from the shadows.

"Shut it jackass, you called me a possession when you first saw me, calling me 'dear' won't get you the answers you're looking for," she hissed darkly.

He rolled his eyes "There you go with that mouth again. Come now Scarlet, work with me here. I'm trying to put us on a better path since its my job to protect you, and its your job to be the best spectacle of Doctor Adler's work. If you comply and answer my questions, then you can go back to your cage and I can go back to doing my work." She stared at him quietly, this mostly wasn't the normal demeanor that Atlas typically showed. He must have been seriously threatened to be acting this nice.

"What's gotten you so scared?" He pushed himself off of the wall and walked over to the table, completely ignoring her question as he chatted with one of the other guards. Scarlet caught the eye of a blond haired guard standing near her while Atlas was distracted, she snarled at him in disgust before a phrase caught her attention.

"Let her swing for a bit after the injection, we only have a day or two at the most to interrogate her and she won't talk easily."

"Damn right I won't."

Atlas glided over to her, invading her personal space as a second guard swept her hair over her right shoulder.

"Which is why we're giving you a little motivator, and you still need to watch your language. How could you possibly hope to please Adler with a tongue like that?" Scarlet swiveled her head to look at the second guard behind her, he held a syringe filled with a red liquid. A shiver ran down her spine as the needle slid into the backside of her neck at the base, she put her attention back on Atlas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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