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first impressions don't always go well

With hands wrapped around her waist and a head craned to rest on her shoulder, trying not the crash on the first day in a new school proved to be labouring work for Raya. How could she possibly focus on the tarmac road when the scent of coconut shampoo engulfed her senses.

Toni had forgotten to fill up her bike that day so she climbed onto your Nighthawk with ease and patience. Since Leigh had usually been Raya's go-to passenger, she decided to hitch a ride with Cheryl as to give her sister and her best friend some space.

She jumped off the motorcycle and awaited the brunette who was still a bit sluggish due to her lack of caffeine. Or lack of breakfast in general.

She surveyed the area to see a gang of black leather clad students file in through the double doors one by one.

"Cortez!" Both sisters turned to find Jughead Jones waving towards them, but then he realised his mistake. "I meant Raya. Raya Cortez. Sorry Leigh, I'm not used to seeing the two of you at the same time." He rubbed the nape of his neck in guilt.

"Don't sweat it Jugs, just remember, I'm everyone's favourite Cortez." Leigh winked and caught up to him.

"Think again kid, there's a lot of people here to prove otherwise." Raya taunted back as she made her way to the doorway whilst wrapping her necklace around her neck.

"Like who?" Leigh challenged back with a smug face, Jughead opening the door for the two of them.

"Like me?" Toni teased with a grin. Raya almost forgot how to breathe for a moment before her sister elbowed her. She shot daggers back at her.

"Really- I mean-" Raya was breathless and a nonfunctional gay at this point. "I'm your favourite?"

"Real smooth Ray." Leigh commented and received a punch to her shoulder. She huffed a sharp breath through her nostrils as Raya spoke.

"Keep talking and maybe we'll get you checked out at the hospital after I'm done with you."

"Ouch. That hurts my feelings." Leigh clutched her chest and mimicked being in pain. The two Serpents laughed at the sisters' familiar bickering.

They made their way into the halls of Riverdale High together, each of them gawking at the sight of a clean, new school. Leigh signaled a goodbye to her sister and walked off, flashing Veronica a kind smile for welcoming their new students.

"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school." She clasped her hands in delight and looked at each of them. "To ease this transition they've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, schedules and a list of extracurriculars. We encourage each and everyone of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

From afar Raya could make out her sister trying to talk to Cheryl as she and a few Riverdale Vixens and students huddled down the steps. "Cheryl please-"

"Follow my lead dear Leigh. We shan't let these goons litter our hallways with their awful auras." The Blossom called out to Veronica as she made her entrance, "Stand down Eva Peron."

SERENADES { Toni Topaz }Where stories live. Discover now