Chapter 1

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My name is Beatrice Prior I am 6 years old. I live in Abnegation... For now.

I walk to school with my brother Caleb, Susan, and her brother Robert. Today is just another day for me, Susan flirts with Caleb, and he flirts back, and me and Robert have a pointless and boring conversation. Susan is a very nice girl and is very selfless, the same goes for Caleb, I'm sure they will stay in Abnegation. I am a whole different story. I am not selfless at all, and I already know at the age of 6 that I do not belong in Abnegation. Robert is also most likely to stay in Abnegation. It's funny how everyone seems to know where they belong, except for me.
I could never make it in Candor considering how easily I can lie. I wouldn't last a day in Amity, they are way too happy. It would be just plain wrong to go to Erudite, considering Abnegation and Erudite are enemies, that would be betraying my family, plus I don't want to spend my life doing math and science. Then there is the Dauntless I have always admired how brave they are. Fearless. I am six and I have made up my mind, I am choosing dauntless. I am pulled out of my thoughts by running into something hard. Or someone. I look up and see Tobias Eaton, he is Marcus's son and is 2 years older than me. " Sorry Tobias! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I say. "That's alright Beatrice." He replies smiling at me. I smile back.
" Um, I have to go! I'll see ya later!" I say walking away.

I run to catch up to Caleb, Robert, and Susan. Susan walks back to where I am while Caleb and Robert are talking about the different factions. Hmmm.
" That's Tobias Eaton, the Erudite are always talking about him and his dad, but I don't know what about." Susan says. " Ya he is really nice." I say
"He's cute" she says
"He's different." I reply.
The rest of the walk to school is silent.


Caleb, Robert, and Susan left school early today to take Susan home because
She broke her wrist, so I have to walk home by myself. Since I will be alone I decide to take the long day so that I pass by the train tracks and Amity fields just outside the fence.

I am walking for about 5 minuets lost in my thoughts when I run into someone. " Sorry" I say and then look up, of coarse I ran into Tobias for the second time today. " We need to stop meeting like this." I say laughing. He also laughs. " So what are you doing over here?" I ask him.
" Umm sometimes I just come over here to clear my mind and watch the Dauntless jump on and off the trains."
"I have always wanted to try that." I say
There is a long silence before he says
"You're going to dauntless aren't you?"
" How did you know?" I ask.
" Because you're like me, curious, adventurous, always wanting to try something no matter what the cost"
" Then that would mean you are also going to transfer to dauntless?" I ask.
"Yes... Beatrice, we are friends right?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck. " Yes Tobias, I think we can be best friends." I say smiling. He returns the smile then says " well if that's the case then I want to show you something" he grabs my small six year old hand and starts running. I follow catching up to him. We are running for a few minuets when he starts taking me down
alley 46. I stop dead in my tracks. My mother told me about this place and how I should never go down there.
Alley 46 is where people are taken to be killed, you're basically asking for death by going down there. " Toby I can't go down there!" I say. " Bea, I promise you will be fine, it's really not as bad as you think!" he says. " Ya it may not be as bad for an adult, but what would the people down there do if they saw a 6 and 8 year old walking down there!" I retort. He sighs " Bea, please just trust me, I come down here everyday after school." " fine " I say giving in.
We are walking down alley 46 for about a minuet until Tobias pulls me into an old abandoned building. There are no lights on so I can't see anything."Tobias What are we doing in he-" I am cut off by the lights coming on revealing the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It's a dauntless gym full of targets, guns, knives, punching bags, fighting ring, black clothes, and a bunch of different equipment! "Toby this is amazing!" I say in awe of what surrounds me. " I know and since we are going to dauntless do you want to train with me so that we will be prepared?" "Yes!"
A huge grin makes it's way on to Tobias's face which causes me to smile too. " Okay well it's kind of late today so why don't we head back home!" He says. " Ya okay we will meet up here everyday after school!" " okay, since we are neighbors can you walk me home?" I ask Toby. " Yes but instead of walking let's run so we get a little practice!" I nod.
"On 3!" he says. One, two," I start running when Tobias yells " hey no fair!" That just motivates me to run faster. When I get home I go up to my room and look out my window and see Toby in his room. I wave and he waves back. I close my blinds and lay on my bed.

I have a bestfriend.

Alright here is the first chapter!!! Tell me what you guys think!
Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent.

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