Why are you scared?

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I walked to Anti's room and I was really tired. Dark is a great cook. I fell asleep in Anti's lap.
I saw Wilford pointing a shiny golden gun at me  I was terrified he laughed at my fear."Please don't kill me" I as usual said softly and quietly because I am a quiet person. He chuckled. "If you do everything I say then I won't kill you." He said. I nodded and he pet my hair. "Good girl." He said.♢♢♢end of dream♢♢♢♢
I woke up with sweat rolling down my face. "Alexis are you ok?" Anti said with a worried expression. I saw Wilford looking at me from the stairs with a smirk. "Um... yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said softly. He continued to stare at me as if he was seeing if I was telling the truth. I just stared at him with a serious face. I looked at Wilford and he nodded and walked away. I let out a long breath of air that I didn't know I was holding. Anti walked away and I sat in a dark corner in the hallway and I was holding my stuffed bear. I felt my back sting. Dang cuts. They hurt. I looked at my stuffed bear. "What do I do salvador?" I asked it. I used my imagination to talk to him "I  don't know but I'm too scared of him killing you so so I guess stay quiet."Salvador said. I nodded. I looked up and saw Wilford staring at me "Hey Salv, let's go somewhere more private." I whispered to my stuffed animal. I got up and walked into the dusty attic. Perfect place it is dark and quiet. 'Salv, I want my big brother back. We have to find him somewhere. He couldn't have died because of mom. Could he?" I asked my stuffed bear. "Of course not Alexis, Auster is just fine. He misses you though." Salvador responded. I heard Dark call for me. ''OK Salvador I can't talk to you right now maybe later."I said. I ran downstairs to Dark. "You hungry kiddo?" He asked. I nodded.  He handed me a plate of pancakes

  He handed me a plate of pancakes

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"Kirby" I softly said cheerfully. He nodded with a happy face. I smiled and ate it. It was AMAZING. I ran to him and gave him a hug."thanks" I said softly. He smiled and I ran off to play with my stuffed bear. We arranged the couch pillows and cushions into a fort. We were pretending to be hiding in a bucker. I pretended that my brave big brother was fighting off the zombies. It was fun teddy about risked his life trying to save me. He was just like my big brother. Dark walked by and he must've heard us playing. "Who is Auster?"he asked. "Oh... he is an..."  I heard teddy whisper "lie" "he is my imaginary friend." I said. He stared for another second then walked away. "Auster,Salvador let's kill those zom-zoms" I said quietly as to not draw any attention from the zombies. We ran around the pirate ship sailing far away from the world hoping to find another one, a better one. After pretending, I walked around the halls with teddy. Wilford always stares my teddy bear. I held it away from his sight of vision protectively. I looked at him and he smiled and walked up to me. I turned around and ran to Anti's room. I locked the door. I sat with my teddy bear in my arms. I am terrified. He sat in front of the door. Anti and Dark went to work. "Come on Alexis you can't stay in there forever." He said. "Yes I can."  I said. "Not if I get in there." He said angrily. "Stay back!" I yelled. He began to pick the lock. I pushed a dresser in front of the door. "HEY GOOGLE COME HELP ME OPEN THE DOOR" Wilford yelled. I sat and was thinking of a way out. I panicked. "Please stop" I said softly. He managed to open the door. He put his hands on my throat."please stop" I said even softer than ever. Auster would never give up I promise I will find him and Wilford will not get in my way of my goals. I put my hands on his throat. "You're insane." He said. "I was in an asylum for a reason" I said softly. He smirked and threw me down and I passed out while crying.
●•○●○●●○○○○○another time skip•●
I woke up in a pink room and I was in another asylum bed. I started to freak out. I though of my brother and how he reacted when the asylum people broke him. I cried at the remembrance of him. Wait where is teddy. "SALVADORE!!!" I yelled. I didn't hear his calming voice. "SALVADORE *cries* C-come on s-salvador....SALVADORE!!!" I cried. I was never loud before. I cried really hard then I heard the door open. Wilford came in with Salvador A.K.A teddy. "Please give Salvador back" I whimpered. "Oh so it does have a name..." Wilford said as he pulled out a knife. He put it up to Salvador ' neck. "NO STOP THAT WAS MY BROTHER'S" I cried. He pointed the knife to me. "Either you or Salvador." He said. "Free Salvadore"  I said. He stabbed my arm with the knife and I screamed. It hurts. The doctors did that when we miss behaved. He picked me up and ripped me out of the bed and took me to a room then I saw a very familiar drug. Cocain. He looked at me and handed me a dollar I walked up to it and I snorted it. He smiled then he asked,"how do you feel?" "I feel like I am about to throw up." I said calmly. He looked confused as I put my my hands on my knees. I accidently spawned a trash can in front of me and I threw up blue light. Then he had a smirk. "so you are the princess of moonlight." He said. "Umm.. i-i. I don't know what to say... where is Auster." I asked. "I don't know who that is." He said. "Oh... I grabbed Salvadore. Then I cried on the bear. Then I saw a orange glow from the bear. It was Auster. "A-Auster" I said. "Sorry little sis. I'm sorry is didn't stop mom" he said. "Hey you are 12 you don't know everything." I said. He smiled and faded away.

The asylum girl (Darkipkier x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now