Withered and Gone

335 9 21

HELLO *dies*


You guys need to be on here more, I'm already working on like a thousand novelizations n other books on my main account and I am a-shook. and I can't think of anything for this book

I am so sorry

But this was requested by ProwlerGal. Thanks for the suggestion!! ^-^ The scenario is existentially just what is Petra told Lukas about her withersickness instead of Jesse doing it? I think the original request was that Petra initially told Lukas before she told Jesse, but I kinda messed that up. Sorry!

Also don't mind me, just listening to cute shipping songs like Floating with You and Sunburn and watching EtN while writing this x)



The illness churned in Petra's stomach and head, tiny veins of fire shot down her spine, everything spun. All she could make out was choppy colors of sickening greens, teal, limes, whites...tubes winding around the stone-floored laboratory, with all kinds of items, mostly Redstone objects, moving through like blood in veins.
Zombies...had been unleashed.

Zombies...spiders. Skeletons. Arrows whizzed through the air.

You can't go on like this, a tiny voice softly spoke.

But another part of her instinct told her to keep fighting. Right now, Jesse hanked a spider from Axel's back, whipping out her sword. It sliced through the poor creature in an instant, and all that was left was dust, puffing out like smoke for a few moments.

Meanwhile, Olivia was running from a skeleton. He shot an arrow. Before Petra's tired-out and aching body could react, an arrow had launched itself into Olivia's shoulder. The dark-skinned girl winced loudly but continued to run as two more skeletons tripped over each-other.

This was chaos, almost.

"IN - THROUGH THE PORTAL!" She heard Jesse yell.

Petra's mind suddenly came to a halt, abruptly stopping, and the next thing she knew, Jesse was pulling on her arm. Petra sat up on the teal carpet that had surrounded her, and she turned to see a massive hoard of zombies steadily making their way to them.
Petra stood, her knees broken and aching. She stumbled, her head hurting more than it ever had. The Wither Sickness taking its toll.

Only Jesse knew.
Only Jesse could know.

And yet...

"PETRA! Are you okay!?" Jesse almost yelled, supporting the auburn-haired girl. Petra nodded weakly, feeling ready to vomit.
She nodded meekly and the two made it to the portal. A smaller room, lined with brightly yellow-orange lit blocks and an ender-portal in the dead center, swirling with green and purple colour.

Petra felt absolutely sick to her stomach, but she hopped it. Almost instantaneously, she was spat out, her feet almost sinking into the spongy surface of The End.
She bent over in pain.
"Common Petra, we just have to get near these-" abruptly, Axel called out to them.

"Endermen!" Lukas yelled, and all five (six, counting Rueben,) ducked, shielding their eyes from the black and lanky end-creatures. It gave a low snarl, its swirling bright purple eyes staring them down before heading back.

"Okay, where to next Jesse?" Olivia asked, still crouched. Smiling, Jesse held up the Amulet, the one thing guiding them to Soren, since they had already managed to find Magnus and Ellegaard..and then abruptly lose Magnus and Ellegaard. The bright white section of the Amulet lit up in a luminous glow, then promptly winked out.

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