→.....Is A Way To Start A New Life←

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That was all I could see.


That was all I could feel.


That was all I could think of.

Is this what it feels like? At first it was painful but then.... I felt something. It was... something I could not explain. I saw a woman riding a white horse and then a light blinded my sight.


Yup. It was just too bright. Just then, I woke up outside a courtyard of an opulent town house which had a HV sign written outside of it. I looked so confused. Aren't I supposed to be dead?

I looked at my chest and saw no wounds or any signs of a stabbed chest at all. Just then a man walked outside of the house and approached me and said, "Hey! What are you still doing there? Come on! You have to be checked in."

I was just too confused on what was happening, so I followed him in and checked my head for any signs of crazyness or hypnotism. Nah. I'm fine.


So... I wanna shortcut everything. The man who approached me was named Hunding, The house was a very huge hotel on the inside. Helgi me a minibar key and my room runestone key (with a dagaz sign on it), Hundig explained everything to me, took me to my room (which was placed on floor 19), and I was in Hotel Valhalla.

Not to mention that I'M PRACTICALLY DEAD.

I have a room which is quite fit on my style. F/c walls and a white floor. The ceiling looked like the ceiling at Hogwarts, you can practically see the blue sky. I had a tree which had blue leaves and golden apples hanging. The tree was sorrounded with water which made it look like a very clean lake.

My bed was the best I've ever seen and I had a fireplace. It was a pretty wide room. I groaned as I saw the clock. Oh dear. It was almost nighttime. All of a sudden , a letter was slid down inside my door.

I opened it and it said:

Hey there!

You must be the newbie! I'm you neighbor! Nice to meet you! I suggest that you should enter the dinner for tonight. My friends would love to meet you.


"Who in the nine realms is T.J?" I a
whispered to myself. Oh well. I guess I just have to find out. I took my bow and arrow, which luckily I had in my bed (Hunding explained that I held it before I died so it also appeared here in Valhalla.) and walked out of my room, heading straight to the dining hall.


I opened the huge doors and entered the hall. Oh dear, too many people. I gulped and walked straight forwards because I had NO idea on where I'm supposed to sit. All of a sudden a voice called, "Y/N!!" I looked at the right and saw Athena and Catty, waving at me with grins plastered on their faces.

I walked towards them and smiled. "You girls died?" I asked. They both nodded in response before hugging me. "Yeah. The three of us died in the fight and now we're here in Valhalla. You're in floor 19 too right?" Catty asked. I nodded.

She gave me a seat which had about... 9 people in it. A guy with blond hair, a... guy with green hair, another guy, a girl with red hair and one with brown. A bearded guy, a troll... I think, then a dwarf, is it? and an elf.

I gulped once again. I'm not a very social person, so, this is kind of scary for me since I have a hightened social anxiety and I have panic attacks when I... well, panic.

"You must be Y/n." A girl who had red curly hair said, thick Irish accent can be heard. I nodded in response, not trusting my voice since I might just give out a squeak if I tried to talk.

"I'm Mallory Keen, this is Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro, TJ, Samirah or Sam for short, Halfborn, X, Blitzen and Hearthstone. I'm sure you already know Athena and Catty since... you hugged." I nodded in reply.

~°~Time Skip brought to you by Ethan being so adorable with his cute voice and cute blue hair~°~

So, I don't really want to make it long so here's what happened:

The valkyrie showed all of the people what happened to the newcomers. (Hence, us.) Which was pretty much embarrassing to be honest.

Then, they told us who our... well, 'fathers and mothers' was. Catty, Athena and I don't have a God/ Goddess dad/mom. We were just... ordinary heroes.... or girls.

Anyway, a few moments later, after dinner, we went back to our floors and had a talk. Hearthstone and I... were getting close. I didn't know much sign languange but Magnus was there to translate everything for me.

"Well, I... have to go to my room. I'll see you guys soon?" I said. All of them nodded as Athena and Catty left with me. Although, before I could even leave, I felt a hand on my own, stopping me from leaving.

I looked back and saw Hearth, smiling at me and then engulfing me into a hug (which I gladly returned) and then letting me go. I smiled at him, flustered, before leaving.

Huh, that was... nice.

😭A/n: Hello everyone! I'm sorry for taking so long to update! I'm busy with my Mirror, Mirror and Strange Love books. If you're confused about this chapter, let's just say that... you're not in the Marvel universe anymore. It's like... you're transported into the Riordan universe now. I know. I have no ideas anymore. Joke. I actually do. Anyway, see you guys soon! Bye!!!😭

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