▪New Addition▪

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▪Daniel POV▪

When i woke up, I was in Corbyn's bed, and it was about noon. I rolled over to see him only to see that hes gone. As I get up to go find him, I feel a bang inside my head. GREAT a HANGOVER, i mean i don't know what i was expecting, but i did hiss in pain then kinda yelled in pain. Not long after that, I heard a bang from the hallway, and Corbyn stumbled in with a bucket. "Corbyn, I think I might be dying" "You know I would usually laugh at a remark like that but I can agree." He groaned "what's with the bucket?" "Well when your puking out your guts, a bowl wouldn't be able to handle this." "Wait, how come I don't have nausea?" "I can't comprehend big words" "Why am I not throwing up, dum dum" "Well, maybe because ITS IN THE KITCHEN AND LIVING ROOM" "Don't yell, my head is about to explode" "oh, im sorry" "just don't do it again, .....god does the whole house smell like garbage and alcohol?" "Yes, yes it-"
I think the smell triggered his stomach.
"Corbyn" "Y-yeah?" "We are never drinking ever again ever" "Agreed, now let's just sleep" "Your gonna sleep on the floor?" "I don't want to puke in my bed or on you." "That's considerate in all, but-" "Shhh, sleep. And fyi the floor is really not that bad." "Fine."

since then me and corbyn have been going to school everyday due to our auful grades. Corbyn comes over after school still, but then he leaves because of my mom wanting us on schedule again. But he comes back every night through the window, then leaves around 6am, then walks me to school. School that was something lately, let me tell ya
Actually no, Corbyns gonna tell ya

▪Corbyn POV▪

I feel like it was time, time to come out as a couple. Daniel could care less, at least that's what he tells me. So we did what we did best.
Not give a fuck.
Throughout the whole day there was some PDA, like hand holding and cute stuff like that. People didn't mind for the most part, which was a huge relief for the both of us. At lunch we still went to our little spot outside, During our classes together we would sit together. We were unsepretable.

▪End of flashback review/dialogue or whatever▪

Now it's winter(December)
I'm not sure what it was but kinda like cold weather, while Dani hates it with a passion. It's mainly because of the fact that we can't sit outside for lunch, but we agreed that we wouldnt sit inside till the first snow. And I held him to that.
"C-corbyn its SO COLD" he said pacing the sidewalk.
"That sounds like a personal problem, you should have agreed to go inside when it started to get chilly, but No"
"Whatever Jack Frost"
I mean I do look like jack frost a little.
I ended up laughing at his comeback.

▪Daniels Emotions▪
Have come and gone, kinda like being bipolar but for his case.
It's like they can be there, then the next day, their gone and they can be gone for a while. Yes, in those days/weeks it can be hard to do certain things, like communicate or go on dates.
He's been considering taking meds for my sake. I disagree because its for my sake, but he says that I look tired and stressed and he doesn't want me to worry anymore, but whatever he chooses to do, I'm gonna support him, every step of the way.

▪Daniels POV▪

so me and corbyn were eating lunch OUTSIDE in the FREEZING COLD. He said we couldn't go inside until it snowed because i said so. but today the best thing happened
"C-corbyn.... is that...."
"i think it might be"
"Ok, ok lets go."

I left him, and ran, but he caught me. As we stepped into the lunchroom, I realized, "Corbs where do we sit?" "At a table" "well no shit, seriously though where?" "Well there's that table in the back that has the new kid" "Wait, there's a new kid?" "Yeah, hes in my first period, lets go sit with him" and he basically dragged me over there "Corbyn Matthew, you know I'm not good with new people, i'm socially awkward, and-" "Dani, you'll be fine" 

"Hey Zach, mind if we sit here?" thank god Corbyn was good with people.
"sure" He said quietly.
we sat down, corbyn was all giddy and happy and me and zach were awkward.
"Zach, this is Daniel" corbyn said excitedly. Zach looked in my direction.
"so your anxious to?" zach said. "W-well, i'm not very talkative around new people, s-so i'm just a little s-shy." i stuttered. "Zach, do you have anxiety?" Corbyn asked almost immediately "well, you could say that." "Why?" Jesus Christ corbyn, you can't just ask someone why they have anxiety. "i usually don't open up to people, especially on the first day but, fuck it, i'm gay. That's why i'm here, to get away from my homophobic school." After a second of silence, out of no where Corbyn kissed me. he pulled away, looked at zach and said "us to". zach smiled, he probably felt better about himself and the school. "not to be pushy or anything but, how long have you been dating?" "Zach that wasn't a pushy question at all but, we've been together for 3 and a half months and we came out as a couple a few weeks ago." Corbyn explained positively. "Well since were talking about our problems, i have a condition where I basically cant feel emotion for a period of time" i said trying to warm up to zach a bit. Corbyn was shooketh, and zach looked interested. "Zach don't ask anything unless you wanna hear a love story" Corbyn said still shook. Zach laughed, "Didn't think i'd find any friends" "Well, you did and knowing corbyn there's no going back." I said half jokingly "Dani, i'm offended, but not at the same time, since it's true. So zach, any cute boys yet" "nope, but i'll be sure to inform you when i do" Zach said sarcastically.

there it was, the new addition to our group, it was nice to have someone else in our group, since it was just me and corbyn. Zach fit in with us really well, and we were gonna be good friends.

I have no excuse for being gone I just wasn't motivated, but I have the next few chapter ideas down.


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