Chapter three | sweet blood

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edited: July 6th 2019

After a long day at school everything was finally over.

I walked over to my locker and I took out my science textbook and placed it inside my backpack, I then closed my locker and walked out to the parking lot. I sat on my bike and held my helmet under my arm waiting for lance.

"Hey!" I heard the tanned boy yell as he walked out of the school

I waved at him and then silently watched him gleefully walk towards me, I could feel that feeling run through my body again, I like this feeling though, it's calming in a way.

"Ready to go?" I asked

"Yeah, but do you have an extra helmet?" He asked as he stood in front of me

"Oh um, no but here use mine" I said as I handed it to him

"You sure?" He asked as he held it inside his hands

I nodded and gave him a small smile

Besides, I don't need it I can't die from just falling off a bike.... or well he doesn't know that.

"Thanks" lance said with a smile as he put on the bike helmet. he sat down on the bike behind me and quickly wrapped his arms around my waist which weirded me out

I kicked up the kick stand and I drove out of the parking lot and towards my house, hopefully lance isn't afraid of the woods because my house is right in the middle of them.

When we arrived at my house I could feel my skin tighten and my face feel colder then usual, fuck. I need to feed.

You see, while being a vampire though you are 'immortal' you can still technically die like dehydration, but not from water from blood

When you are dehydrated you begin to look exactly like a corpse where as blood keeps you looking alive, so pretty much, I've been starving myself for the past few weeks.

Every vampire has a limit to how long they can go without blood but for me it's only a few weeks.

"You're house is so nice!" Lance said as he looked around  "kinda smells like a hospital though" he added with a chuckle

I chuckled at his comment "thanks, but how does it smell like a hospital?" I asked

"I don't know" he shrugged looking around, trying not to touch anything

"Where do you want to study?" I asked

"Your room I guess" lance shrugged looking to the stairs

I nodded and began to walk towards my room hoping lance would follow.

I jumped onto my bed and waited for lance to walk in, to my surprise he jumped onto my bed beside me so we were both laying down together side by side.

I looked towards him and he looked to me, I looked into his beautiful eyes and sighed.

I sat up and we began to study

After about 3 hours of studying I felt like I was going mad so we decided to take a break.

"Can I admit something?" Lance asked me

I laid down onto my back and so did lance

"Go ahead" I said

He took a deep breath before speaking, "I don't think I like girls, I think I'm just too scared to admit it so I say those stupid things to seem straight" he said letting a breath of relief out after

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