Part 2: Carsen's Beginings of horribleness

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AUTHORS NOTE: Who else is obsessed with Sarah Smiles? No? Just me. Okay Bye.

Pov: Carsen Aliya Mitchelson
Hi my name is Carsen. I'm a 14 year old girl, but I don't really like labels and I don't follow many gender roles. I've been stuck in this gosh darned foster system for 2 years.

My dad left when I was young and then joined a cult and eventually got caught. He killed people in his cult so he ended up on death row. He's not dead yet, though.

My mom was killed by a drunk semi truck driver. It still hurts to talk about her so I'm stopping here.

AN: How is i...... I'M TRIGGERED SPOTIFY JUST NORTHERN DOWNPOURED ME MID SENTENCE........t, guys? Good? Bad? You suck and should never attempt at writing again?

By the way, sometimes I forget to post on things for a while, so if I haven't put up a chapter in a month, the books not ending. I'm just forgetful.

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