Chapter 1: new life

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"No I dot wanna to fucking move, I already have plenty of friends here and I promise I won't get into anymore fights!" this is the second time we've moved because of me hey it wasn't my fault the bitch asked for it. "Mia Ann Lopez don you ever use that kind of tone or langue with me again! And it's not my fault that you decided to fight that girl!" I rolled my eyes at her. "now go pack we leave tomorrow." I ran up stairs slammed my door and sobbed it wasn't fair. I walked over to my city view window and just looked out my window thinking. I started thinking about my life who I am and who I would be after I moved.
My name is Mia Lopez but everybody calls me Mimi. I am 17 years old and have never been very obedient. But it got worse wen my dad died of Brest cancer.
Something inside me just snapped when I realized he was gone. I consider my self what people call a 'bad girl' I have long black hair and CURVES! not like cute small little butt and shit. I'm talking like big boobs and butt. I have always been into the whole 'swagg' stuff like Jordan's, snapbacks and hoop earrings. I even have a long board. Not very lady like well guess what I don't care about what people think of me if someone has a problem with me than we can fight like real bitches if that's what it takes to settle a problem. me and my mom had to move well we didn't have to but I guess that se was just soo embarrassed that I broke a girls nose and fractured her cheek bone. yea defiantly don't mess with me. I've always been told that I'm blunt. which I take as a complement but people say not to. I guess that you could say that I have super model like features pink full lips curves , dimples and pale pink eyes it runs in the family and a bull ring on my lip as well as a rose tattooed on my bottom right hip. I think im pretty tall for my age I'm 5'11 most girls are a lot smaller but I think it works for me.
'Buzz buzz' I jumped my phone scaring me to death I fell on the floor "shit" I whispered to myself.
Angie: hey mamma what's up?
Me and Angie have been friends for only a few years but we were still best friends
Me: I'm moving tomorrow right away in the morning.
Angie: noooo!! u can't leave me bitch!
Me: sorry there's nothing I can do about it :(
Angie: well there's a party tonight wanna go? :)
Me: no cause I'd rather just sit in my room and pack up boxes! what do u think?!
Angie: Dam gurl calm ur tits okay? and get ready ima pick u up in an hour. okay?
Me: okay see ya
I got up and took a shower blow dried my hair the. Curled my hair. for makeup I only put eye liner on my top lid and did my signature cat eye. for clothes I wore a pair of white leggings with gray cheetah print, I put on a white crop top that said BOSS on the front in black. and to top it off I put my wolf greys. It was ten oh clock and I knew that my mom would be sleeping by now.
Angie: I'm here get your azz down here
Me: okay I'm coming let me sneak out
I walked down the twisted stair case being careful not to make a sound. I opened the door not making a single sound. I sighed in relief then ran to the elevator. "hurry the fuck up" the elevator was so slow then I noticed a sight that had fallen it said 'out of order' I groaned cause the shitty apartment only had one elevator so I ran to the stairs. I saw Angie's car and she rolled down her window "what the fuck took you so long?!" I held up my finger for her to give me a minute. "the...elevator...was...broken." I tried to squeeze in some breaths. "haha!" I flicked her off "just drive." the car ride wasn't very long only about 15 minutes. when we arrived we could hear the music from all the way down stairs. it was coming from the pent house all the way at the top. I looked up in awe "I'm not going if the elevator doesn't work!" Angie laughed. when we got to the top floor we didn't have to look very hard to find the party it was the first door and the loudest. we knocked and a girl opened the door "hey!" she motioned us I side we smiled and walked in. there were people everywhere and a big dance circle in the middle of the apartment . I jumped into the middle doing the nae nae to the song. I love to dance especially when people are watching me it just feels so natural. Hours passed by and I got bored. I didn't drink to much it's not really my thing I know my limit and I didn't even get a buzz. "hey Angie can we leave?!" I was shouting so loud and still couldn't even hear myself. "no way call a cab! I don't wanna leave yet!" I grabbed my phone and walked out into the hallway where it was more quite. I called a cab and waited outside. on my way home I texted Angie
Me: hey I know that u probly won't get this until tomorrow but I just wanted to say bye incase we don't get the chance to tomorrow
Bye I love you don't forget about me!!!! :(

When the cab pulled up I paid him the money then walked up 10 flights of stairs. I was sweating by the time I reached the eighth floor. When I got to my floor I creeped in the window. "hi and where were you?" I jumped how'd she know that I was gone? "I thought that you were sleeping?" she shook her head. "Nope I had some business to take care of and you still didn't answer my question." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I was at a party with Angie." She nodded. "okay now go to bed we leave at 9 tomorrow I want to be in Florida by at least 6." I knew that wasn't going to happen its like a 16 hour drive so we would be there if traffic is good by like 10. I rolled my eyes at my moms ignorance and walked up the stairs to my room and saw that all my stuff was already packed and labeled. and I didn't do it. "Thank you!" I knew my mom did, she really is good a mom. I took a shower then threw on a pair of shorts and tank top. It didn't take long to fall asleep.
Beep beep I crushed my alarm with my fist and looked at my phone. "wake up! we have to get all our boxes in the u haul!" I groaned dreading getting out of bed at 6:00 am you know what I call that?! the ass crack of dawn! And ain't no body got time for that! I got up took a shower blow dried my hair and put on my signature cat tail. I always do my hair and makeup before I get dressed. once my hair and makeup were done I opened some boxes and found a pair of light wash light baby blue skinny jeans. I found a plain white tee-shirt in the style of a crop top. I pulled out a box of jewelry and found my gold hoop earrings. I put on my wolf greys and headed down stairs. once everything was packed I took one last look at the empty apartment. I thought of all the memory's I had some of the best and worse here. I tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away. I shut the door and made my way down to the car. "ready?" I nodded and got in the car then plugged in my headphones and fell asleep. and yes we drove to Florida from Chicago a 16 hour drive! I slept for most of it. "wake up were here!" I woke up to a big house I stared in awe. "this is our house?!" she nodded "yep now get your boxes and go to your room it's the one on the very top and its the biggest." I squealed "yay thank you!thank you! thank you!" I grabbed 4 boxes at once and yes I was that excited I walked upstairs to my new room it's so big there's a big bed in the middle and my very own bathroom and a walk in closet. I walked down stairs and got the rest of my boxes and just threw them where ever. I looked at the clock and it was ten thirty and I was hungry. "hey mom can I have to bucks to go to the store?" she was so busy that she just nodded and pointed to her purse. "thanks love ya!" I grabbed my long board and headed down the street looking for it. I was surprised that it was ten and it was still very light out like its the middle of the day. I plugged my head phones to ignore the guys whistling at me and bitches snotty comments. I found the store and there was a group of really hot guys standing right outside then it hit me I could smell it clear as day it smelled like chocolate and strawberries. I got off my long board and walked towards the door to see which one was my mate but couldn't pin it down to one single person.
My music was on blast and red nose by sage was on. I headed towards the store when the group of guys started to stare at me. I'm guessing that my mate is the one with brown hair. then i heard some whistles I rolled eyes I was use to this kinda reaction nothing new. I reached for the door when one of the guys opened it for me I smiled "thanks!" I yelled over my music. they all laughed I didn't know that I was that loud. I walked in the store and classic by mkto came on and I started to sway my hips to the music smiling cause I knew they were staring at me. I headed for the skittles when someone tapped my shoulder it was one of those guys that were outside I pulled out my ear phones and paused my music. "hey" he had blonde hair,brown eyes and was pretty tall probably like 6 feet. he was cute but not as cute as my mate."hey?" I grabbed my skittles and walked over the chip section he followed. "can I help you?" he blushed "um one of my friends wanted my to ask what your name was." he blushed even harder. I smiled "its Mia but everyone calls me Mimi." he smiled not blushing as hard this time. "hi I'm Sam." I nodded them smiled "well Sam it looks like you are my first official friend." I grabbed my hot Cheetos. "ew you like those?" I nodded "yea." I went to go pay for my stuff and Sam was still following me. "is there something you need?" he shook his head "no not really." I gave him an awkward okay look then walked out the store. as I walked out I plugged my head phones back in and got onto my long board. I looked back at Sam and his friends "bye Sam!" I waved goodbye and blew him a kiss and winked just to tease the other guys. I heard a growl as I rode away on my long board. some guy looked pissed like he was about to kick Sams ass. I rolled my eyes then rode home. wen I or home all the lights were off and I went to go see if my mom was sleeping and she was. I whispered goodnight to her then gave her a kiss on her forehead. she's the only family I have left and she puts up with my bull shit, I love her so much. I walked up to my room and took a shower washing my hair with my favorite coconut shampoo and conditioner and strawberry body wash. I threw on a pair of gray sweat pants and a white tank top. I fell asleep dreaming about my mate I hoped that it was the one with light brown hair and forest green eyes he was HOT!! 'Beep beep beep beep beep beep' great my first day of school.

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