Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ashley POV

Something was wrong with Y/N I cant tell. Her face is really uneasy about it but, if she didn't want to talk I didn't want to force her. We got ready and did our makeup which was bomb. Then did each other's hair. She straightened mine which looked pretty and added glitter to it so I already looked like I just cane from a club. I braided her curly hair and stopped halfway leaving it natural and it looked perfect. We looked in the mirror and we were stunned. "Damn bitch you did my hair good." I told her as she laughed "bitch do you see my hair." She said to me looking at it in awe.

The boys called us saying they would be there in 15 minutes so we got our shoes on and the doorbell rang. They looked ya up and down and licked their lips. (Outfits on top) we got ready to go when Y/N looked at her phone again but, quickly got rid of her expression. I really wanted her to be happy so I stepped beside her and told her "whatever is going on, focus on it later I'll be right here if you need help but for tonight leave all your problems at home." She nodded and smiled when we got to the car.


8:30 pm

We got to the party and saw the dance floor immediately. We started to dance and really the dm's from Jack didn't cross my mind once. The dj had gotten a request I boomed in the microphone "ALL RIGHT PEOPLE GET YOUR MANZ AND YOUR GIRLS AND GET ON THE DANCE FLOOR." I looked at Ethan who seemed nervous and grabbed him by the collar to come dance with me. The the fun really started.

10:00 pm

A song started playing and I looked at Ashley instantly realizing it was our song. Years ago we had a talent show and we both danced to it and won. The best part is that we both memorized the choreography for it. I looked at her but she was a step ahead clearing the dance floor for us. We started and really nothing could stop us. The crowd cheered when the dance finished and in the middle were two boys standing in awe. Ethan and Grayson. I laughed as I walked over and pecked his lips to bring him back to reality. "Wow." Were the only words that left his mouth.

11:30 pm

We chilled until the next song came on. "Gas Pedal" by Sage. All the couples went to the middle and started grinding while we all sat there eating chips. Before I could even ask Ashley if she wanted to go with Gray they were in the middle of the dance floor. I laughed she's my crazy ass friend and I have to deal with it. Ethan eyed me in a way that made me wanna dance with him. "Can you do that?" He asked me. I was feeling sarcastic so that what I was "nah shit Sherlock." And laughed. Within seconds I was grinding on him with Ashley somewhere else on the floor. Once again everyone was cheering and when the music stop I turned around and kissed him on the dance floor. After that we chilled on the couch occasionally getting up to dance again.

12:30 am

Right before we were getting ready to leave the boys had rallied the whole party up. Me and Ashley had sat in the middle of the dance floor where the were chairs waiting for us. We stayed both eyeing each other confused. Right there through the crowd a big banner cane out saying "will you got to prom with me." As both the boys yelled it. I saw tear drops from Ashley's eyes and felt some down on my face too. This night was perfect and I loved my boyfriend. We both ran to them and jumped on them as the crowd cheered louder than ever.

12:55 am
A couple minutes later Ashley and Grayson told us we should go home and no one refused. It was past 1 am and I was knocked out from having fun. I got another notification in the car but ignored it. My phone went on about 16 more times and everyone was staring at me at his point. "You gonna answer or not." Ashley looked at me suspiciously but I ignored it.

We got home and the boys were too tired to go home so they stayed I went to take a shower.

Ashley POV

she wen to the shower. "Finally." I muttered. I usually don't do this but I opened her phone, her password was shared with me "935204" I typed in and it opened. I regretted it. A whole bunch of messages on her insta from jack. Almost 200 and they weren't nice. I can't believe she hid this from me. I went to Grayson and Ethan and they were even more shocked but, Ethan seemed to have known except for the dm part. "What the hell happened." Grayson had said. It hurt knowing Ethan had to explain this and my best friend didn't say anything. I have to confront her or she'll never speak.

She got out the shower and cane in her pajamas when she saw all of us and her face drooped. Then she saw her phone in my hand and got angry


"why do you have my phone." I said it calmly so I didn't lose my temper. She went in my phone without asking and the way they looked it was like hey had found something bad on there. She sat down and simply said "why did you hide it." I have no idea why but I just started crying. Ethan caught me before I fell but I balled my eyes out. Just every feeling I've been holding up. I tried to have fun but I just couldn't hold it up.

I calmed down and started to explain... everything. The faces of horror on Grayson and Ashley made only made me feel worse. Then something I didn't show anyone the mark on my hand that he left. Ashley started to cry and yell at me "WHY DID YOU LET HIM BACK IN TOUR LIFE IF YOU KNEW HE HURT YOU." I was so confused and sad. "I don't know." Left my mouth quietly. She came up and hugged you which was what I needed. "I'm so sorry." We both said and stayed there for 5 minutes. We were all about to sleep so we went to bed but before Ethan and I went to sleep he can close and backed me into a wall. He just looked into my eyes. "Your still afraid." He said and I felt like I was gonna cry again. "Come here." He said as he hugged me. I never wanted to let go. The warmth of him gave me such happiness it felt unhealthy but, I loved it. "I love you." I finally said. "I love you too." He said. That night Ethan was asleep but my mind was filled with questions so many questions. Then my phone went off again and I had the nerve to check.

Jack: you looked really good at the party tonight. But it should've been me you were grinding on. See you at prom princess.

I closed your phone taking in a sharp breath. I couldn't believe it. He was there at the party, I was right. "I knew it wasn't the end" I whispered so Ethan didn't hear. That once again left me crying in my sleep with questions. So many questions.


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