Chapter 2

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Alec's POV 

My work has ended and right now I am sitting at home eating pop corn and watching some rom-com. It's 12 am and Riya is still not back home. Yes she is partying and all. She requested me to come with her oh wait she threatened me actually but with my puppy dog eyes I convinced her that she can't drag me with her. 

I didn't realise I dosed of to sleep when my phone started to ring. Looking at the time it was freaking 2 in the morning! Who calls at this time. 

I saw my phone's screen and it was Riya calling. Seriously? I picked up the phone and regretted the second I did. 

"Aaallllleeeeccccc" Came the infamous slurring voice of Ri. Yes I am used to it but it still irritates me. 

"Tell me the club name and stay there"

"NO! I wahna tehl you that I saw a rewlly hawt guy here and he is checking me out I think" She said and oh my god I am so coming to pick her up. 

"RIYA TELL ME THE CLUB NAME" I shouted at her what else can I do? If she loses her v card tonight she'll cry forever. She wants to party and do all the shit but wants to save her v card for the special someone.

"Rose club or something" She slurred. I took out my keys and ran out of my house. Getting inside the car I ignited the engine and rushed towards the bar.

Entering in I already felt disgusted but I have to get RiRi.

Looking for her I bumped into a wall. No wait a body. I looked up and saw it was... Xavier Knight. His hands were holding my arms and are those butterflies in my stomach?

"I-um uh sorry" with that said I tried to get out of his grip but it just tightened.

"Not so fast" He said that and dragged me to the what looks like the VIP section. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put mine on his shoulder.

What is happening right now?

He started to move with the music. I'm dancing with Xavier Knight!

His touch was making my body burn. Our closesness was too much to take in. I never looked up. I knew his eyes were make me swoon. His hands came to my chin making me look up. 

"Alec" All he had to say my name and I felt my knees go weak. His voice is so hoarse and deep. Suddenly I heard a scream and looked down it was Riya she is on the stage twerking. 

For Heaven's Sake! 

I have to go but it doesn't looks like Xavier will let me go the easy way so I have to try the hard way

You get it? Hard way? Pun intended. 

My hand slipped from his shoulders and went towards his dick. I grabbed it gently and felt Xavier hitch. He had stopped moving and his shoulders were tensed. I kissed his shoulder lightly and then gently rubbed my nose in the crook of his neck. Xavier groaned and his grip on me loosened for one second and I rushed out. 

I ran down the stairs and towards the stage. Riya had now come down luckily. Oh wait no a guy actually dragged her down. 

She was currently in his arms sleeping. Yes a drunk Riya is a confusing Riya. Nevertheless I went towards him and tapped his shoulder.  He turned around and looked at me blankly. 

"Give me the girl" Wait a second he's the guy who came with Xavier to the cafe. The guy groaned and glared at me

"What? You are a stranger and I am not letting you take her" I said standing my ground. The guy maybe scary and well built but no one takes my best friend away from me. 

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