Chapter 1

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Alec's POV


I woke up screaming. Yes it came again. The night... That night where I lost my everything, I lost my mother. I couldn't sleep after that night. I was only 13 years old. The first two years were all spent crying myself to sleep soon it was dry crying. No tears came I felt empty I still do. 

Nevertheless I wiped the sweat off of my face and sighed. Getting up I wore my mask. The mask of a toothy grin. Going inside my washroom I looked at myself and the smile fell off my face. My eyes they were... so blank. The happiness from them was long. The life from them was gone. 

"Mom" I whispered and I couldn't contain myself anymore I burst out crying. It's been 3 years I haven't cried for my mom. Yes I always contained myself but today I don't know why I couldn't 

My bathroom door opened and in came my best friend Riya. She knows everything about me. We've been friends since I was 5. Now I am 19 ... 14 years of friendship and she's the one who hasn't left me. 

She came in and hugged me. Mom treated Riya just like her own daughter, she always wanted one. Riya never saw her mom as she died giving birth to her. She loves her Dad a lot but my mom was like her mom also. When we were small she used to call her Mom most of the time and her Dad had no problem with it. He truly loved her mother so he never got remarried and Riya had a motherly figure in her life so he was fine with it. 

Even she started to sob a little. 

"Alu even I miss her but we have to stay strong for her right? Please" Riya said. She was lucky she had her Dad. After that night her Dad was like mine. He treated me like his own son. I hated I hate and I will always hate my Dad. He doesn't even deserves to be called Dad. 

"But RiRi the nightmares....." I whispered and her hold tightened. 

"Alu" Riya had no reply to that. Its been like this either I don't sleep or if I do I get the nightmare, nightmare of losing my mom forever. I controlled myself and stood up.

"RiRi thank you now I'll be fine" I said passing her a smile. She passed me one back. Thats the best thing about her she doesn't sympathise me she empathise cause she feels the same way. She went out and I did my morning business.  I wore my outfit which consisted of a white shirt whose sleeves and collar was navy blue colour with black pants. Slipping in my supras I went out. Riya had already left for her classes and I was heading towards the cafe down the street I work in. I do online classes cause socialising is something not my cup of tea. 

Entering the cafe I greet the owner, Mark. He is a very nice person and is very sweet to me. I changed my clothes and wore my working one. The cafe was not that occupied as it was a Wednesday morning. It gets hectic during weekends. The food offered here is one of the best in the town. 

The doorbell rang indicating someone entered in. I looked up and my breath hitched. The guy who just entered in was BEAUTY! Yes I am attracted to guys not girls. It's been a while since I have given a guy a glance. 

No no no no don't think about it you know what happens even your parents were in love see what happened

My consciousness yelled at me and I turned around I can't look at him but one more look? I slowly turned back and looked at his table. My co worker Sandy went towards his table and by the looks of it it's clear that she is flirting with him. Oh yeah why will he even take interest in me? He must be straight. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw that it was Mark. 

"Alec you know Xavier Knight right? He is in our cafe right now and he wants another waiter he doesn't wants Sandy please you do it. Table no.5" He said and then went in the kitchen. All I got from what he said was I have to attend table 5 ALRIGHT! 

I took the notepad and went towards it but when I saw who is sitting on that table. I froze 

FUCK! It's him! I slowly made my way towards him with my head down. 

"Good Afternoon I'm Alec and I'll be your waiter what would you like to have?" I said not making eye contact. He was here with another guy.

"A coke and a chicken burger and same for him" Said the another guy. I nodded

"It'll be here soon" I said. 

"Alec" Xavier said. I just know his name I don't who he is but he sure looks like Dangerous but Daddy. Oh God SHut Up Alec

"Yes?" I asked and its the first time I looked at him and oh god his eyes. They are so beautiful I can get lost in them forever but they held pain in them not for right now but from a very very long time. His eyes had something that intrigued me a lot. 

"Nevermind" He said and turned around. Weird? I just went to get their order but I did hear one thing 

'I'll make him mine' 

Who was that for? Me?

Of course not you idiot

Xavier's POV 

I was driving back home with Zach after a meeting when he started to whine about stopping somewhere to eat. A cafe came in the view and I stopped there. For a Gang leader's brother Zach sure looks like adopted but he is my blood and I love him. 

I entered in and the cafe sure didn't look like a place which a person like me visits. Nevertheless I sat there with Zach. A girl came near us probably the waitress and started to flirt with me. Zach just laughed cause he knew I don't bad for the opposite team. 

I was so irritated by her that I called for a new waiter. I soon saw a guy and he looked like an Angel... My angel. 

He didn't make eye contact with me and talked to Zach only. NO! 

He introduced himself as Alec and his voice gave me chills. This guy is making me go nuts. 

I called out for him but I had nothing to say so I just let him go... For now.

I'll make you mine Alec you'll be in my arms soon.

Our order came in 5 mins and my eyes were fixed upon Alec the whole time. I could see that he was getting nervous. He tried his best to avoid me but he glanced at me every now and then.

The way his cheeks turned red the way he shifted uncomfortably made me chuckle.

I finished my food and so did Zach and then we left after paying our bills.

For now I am leaving but I'll be back soon to get what's meant to be and is destined to be mine.

My Alec O' Connell

(A/N) So the first chapter! Comment down your reviews thank you
For giving my story a chance!

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All the love from
        - Vanshita xx

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