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        He hadn't expected to survive but when he found himself very much alive and in another realm he wondered if his former family would search for him.

        He waited.

        He waited for what felt like a very long time.

        They were not coming for him.

         "I dont care" he told himself. This was a lie but to tell the truth would hurt too much. He wanted his family to find him because without them... he was nothing, without them he was neither Loki of Asgard nor Loki of Jotunheim, he was just Loki.

        His lies had caught up to him. Perhaps if he'd just settled for second best, accepted what love, however little, Odin had for him, accepted the love Frigga and Thor had for him... maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be on a foreign planet entirely alone, maybe he'd be happy.


        Thinking like that would only make him more miserable than he already was.

        If his adoptive family thought he was dead or did not care enough to go looking for him he would simply have to remind them of his presence. He knew now that he could not have their love so he would have their hatred. He would hit them where it hurt and he would start with Thor. 

        Sooner than later he found himself on Midgard, senselessly killing civilians and government officials alike. He knew this would get Thor's attention. He knew this would work. And if it didn't? Then at least he'd have a new throne to sit on, a new place to call home.

        He hadn't counted on the Avengers getting in the way of his plans and admittedly they'd almost stopped him from being successful. Success of course being catching Thor's attention. In the end Thor had found him and that was all that mattered although the feeling of his spine cracking repeatedly against concrete as he was thrown about by the hulk hurt immensely.

        He expected to find hatred in Thor's eyes but even as they traveled back to Asgard, Loki in chains, Thor victorious, he found only that same pity in his eyes, except now he seemed more indifferent towards him than ever before. Now, with a muzzle preventing speech, not even words could help him get what he wanted. He was again without hope, lost in a world of isolation and confusion.

        Being put in a cell where he received only the occasional visit from Frigga who came solely in allusions, never in her real physical form didn't help. Seeing the love and sorrow in her eyes hurt him and she knew it ... so she stopped coming. This only hurt him more but it seemed no one was around to know it, no one was around to care. The worst part was he knew it was his fault.

         He had put himself in a cage and had driven away the only family he'd ever known.

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