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Sue goes to Remus's fireplace with Draco in her arms and throws floo powder in the flames and shouts " Malfoy manor" closing her eyes hoping everything will be ok and exits on the carpet in the entrance hall " Hello Lucius , Severus anyone home".
Lucius sitting walks quickly into the entrance hall " Sue is that you ? What you doing hear and how dare you come barging in here without telling us where you went and if you was free" Lucius says going through shock anger and happiness all at once Sue looks at him and says " Lucius it's great to see you I would like to explain myself with Sev too and talk but I'm sorry and I'm very well thank you" Lucius looks at her not giving anything away "ok let's go in the family room where sev and harry is harry is our little" Sue follows " I stopped off at my brother Remus's and he said you had got a little I have this little who is Draco and two others who are twins but it's part of why I left but will explain in a min Lucius I am so sorry I've missed both of you lots" Lucius nods and opens a big mahogany door and walks in to the family room sev and harry ( who is still in big space ) talking about random things Lucius coughs and gets the attention of the too males look at Lucius Severus looks towards the women and snarls "Sue, what you doing here o thought you didn't want anything to do with us anymore" Sue  looking heartbroken says " I know it seems that way I loved you both so much and still do I have come to explain now the
Dark lords my parents have gone".
Sue was sitting in her father Toms office " Sue I know you have found your mates but I don't want you getting messed up in this war me and your Dad have started with Dumbledore so we have decided to send you away you'll be working in orphanages your not allowed to tell your Dominants where your going you will be leaving at midnight tonight so pack" Tom explains Sue breaks down but nods please father please keep Sev and Lucius safe"
Memory end
"See Sev and Lucius I had no choice but I did keep in secrect touch with moony who told me everyone my first orphanage I found two twins who were being abused they playing with moony they remind of Sirius and James their parents couldn't cope and this little one I found in the last orphanage his mom said he was a disgrace cause when on headspace he's so young but he's so loving and his blond hair and eyes reminded me so much of Lucius" just then Draco wakes up and looks around looking at all the heads watching him he starts to cry sue starts to bounce him gently on her lap " hey little man shhh say hello to Sev and Lucius these are the men mommy was talking about remember sweetheart" Draco nods and smiles and waves "Ello me Dwaco" he says quietly Lucius kneels down hey little man would you like a papa and daddy as well as Mommy" Lucius says looking at Mommy Draco nods And says " papa dada Mommy fwed and Gwed" sie kisses him on the head and you have another brother too as Papa and dada has a little too Draco claps " who mommy" Sev picks harry up who has gone back to little space this is harry Draco and your brother Draco smiles at that point Remus comes out the floo " Sue I brought the twins they were asking when you was coming back" thanks Remus dress George say hello to your daddy papa and brother Harry" " wow mom we knew they accept you" they say together Sue smiles come one everyone let's get to know each other let's play some games.
After about 4 hours of games and talking all the littles started yawning ok let's get ready for bed Lucius Sev do you want us stopping here if not I can go back to Moonys I've got to fetch the stuff anyways" sue says " stay here theirs plenty of room Lucius can go get the stuff while I show you the rooms" sev explains "ok you ok with that Luc?" Sue asks " yes very much so" luc says and goes to moonys while sev picks up harry while Fred picks up Draco and and George and sue follow behind be careful Fred don't drop Draco please" when they at the top of the stairs sev points to 3 bedrooms " the one next to Harry's is Draco's the one the other side is for the twins and the one next to mine and Lucius is yours for now hopefully you'll move in with us once we back to normal" " Thanks Sev they are perfect" as they were talking luc brings the three suitcases " thanks luc ok dread George go and get ready for bed me and Draco will be in 5 mins to say good night of not in bed by then you'll know what will happen" " yes mom" they say together and they go "ok little one shall we get you changed and ready for your brother cuddles" sue walks Draco in his room wow your papa and dada did a good job didn't they little prince Sue undressed Draco changes his nappy and puts him in a green onesie with a silver dummy and carry's him into dread and George's room " hey boys" mommy puts Draco on the floor and he cuddles up to George who feeds him a bottle while mommy tells a story and explains where her room is if they need her she puts their night light on and carry's Draco in his crib switching the baby monitor on but stays with him till he his completely asleep and leaves to go to her room as she does she goes to Sev and Lucius bedroom and gently knock and says good night to them before climbing into bed and going to sleep in her room.

Pictures of rooms are above.

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