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Lucius was first to wake up yawing and thinking wow was Sue really here and wow with three more littles we really need to set rules for them all and Sue is a submissive so me and Sev need to set the rules and dish out any punishments so Lucius goes to his and Sev's office and starts composing rules and punishments and getting a tutor for George and Fred as they the oldest littles and all littles should be treated the age their headspace is unless they come out which some do and some don't depending on the situation as Lucius is sorting everything their is a Big Bang and crying and shouting so he gets up and walks back to towards the bedrooms as he's getting closer he sees a load of glitter and angry Sue shouting and trying to keep to youngsters calm " FRED GEORGE WHAT ON EARTH WAS YOU THINKING SCARING DRACO AND HARRY CLEAR UP THIS MESS AND WILL TALK ONCE YOU FINISHED IM SO CROSS AND DISAPPOINTED IN YOU BOTH !!!!!" Sue turns to take both harry and Draco in her room when she spots Lucius "come with Lucius I'll explain and I think Harry might calm down better with you around she leads them in her room and puts Draco in the bed and cuddles them " shhhhh baby's it's ok was only your crazy brothers trying to wake you you both safe shhhhhh ,, I'm sorry Lucius the twins thought it be a good idea to wake the baby's with glitter and indoor fireworks I love them both lots but they never use their brains unless it's to prank people told you they remind me of James and Siri" Lucius nods " well I've been thinking over rules for the twins and Draco to follow and that me and Sev will deal with punishments as your a submissive so will have your own rules to follow" giving Sue a stern look to say this is not negotiable now I'm going to wake Sev and you can get these to ready and will meet down for breakfast and after will discuss punishments and rules
She nodded and got harry and Draco changed she got Draco dressed in a brown bear onesie and harry in a grey bear onesie and carried both of them down as she got to the bottom sev took harry to put him in his high chair and she put Draco in his Fred and George were already sitting down when lucius came in carting a file which he put under his chair and sat down as the house elves served pancakes bacon sausage syrup and eggs Sev put some pancakes with bacon on a plate and cut it up to give harry Sue asked for some oatmeal and milk for Draco and Fred and George helped themselves and the family eat in silence once done Lucius moved everyone into the sitting room the baby's were put in the playpen. " ok this is our first family meeting Fred and George I know your new here so let's get one thing right I'm Papa and Sev is daddy Draco and harry are your younger brothers now Harry's headspace is older than Draco acting around 1-4 but normally around 2 and Draco I know is around 9months and doesn't come out, now I know you like playing tricks on everyone but we have rules here so here are your rules
1 always call Sue Sev and Lucius Mommy Daddy and Papa even if out of headspace
2 when told to do something do it straight away no arguments unless you don't feel safe then explain nicely and respectfully
3 always respect anyone who older than you
4 never play jokes to harm anyone unless they are trying to harm you
5 if something is bothering you come and find us and talk We are here for you
6 never tell lies
7 bedtime is at 7pm for you both and one of us will tuck you in
8 we love you lots never forget it
9 never put yourself in danger
Now punishments will always be carried out by me or if I'm not here then daddy and if mommy has to punish you then you get extra from me. So boys come into my study that's where all your punishments will take place. Sue when they come out you come in and I will tell you what your rules are.
The twins go in Lucius sits behind his desk  "ok boys I know you didn't know the rules this morning so I will go a bit easier now both if you trousers and pants down George go stand in the right corner behind the desk Fred you come lie over my lap" They do as he asks Fred lies over his Papas lap Lucius starts to spank him with his hand "(( smack)) (( smack)) you do not frighten your little brothers (( smack )) (( smack )) you do not fire fireworks and throw glitter all over this house do you understand (( smack )) (( smack))" Fred who is crying " yes sniff sniff I understand Papa I'm so sorry" " good boy" Lucius pick him up and cuddles him and tells him to swap places with George George gets the same punishment after George has cuddles Lucius takes them in to the living room ok boys look after your brothers while me and Daddy have a chat with Mommy they take Sue into the study ok darling girl here's your rules for you
1 when not round the children always call Sev and Lucius sir or master
2 always wear what we choose for you
3 do all your chores on time
4 tell us if something wrong
5always tell us when the children have misbehaved
6 always give cuddles and kisses
7 after punishments always clean the implements that have been used
8 your princess kitty is ours and only we can touch it
9if it gets tingly tell us even if you been naughty
10 do not use foul language
11 when being punished or doing a scene remember your safe words green your ok amber need a bit of time red stop
We can add more rules if need too now let's get back to the kids have a chilled day they walk back to the living room
" hey kids what we watching" mommy asks Fred and George say "the lion king Mommy" ok mommy picks up Draco and cuddles him while Harry is sitting in his Papas lap the twins are lying on the floor on some pillows while they watch the movie

Author note
I'm so sorry for the late update I know it's been too long but I've had family illness and been just to busy to update but I'm going to finish the story so no matter how long it takes me to update this story will be continued love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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