14. Headquarters of Border

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Michelle and Ren step out of the teleports that connects Borders HQ with their cover-up building, a telephone company. On their way to the meeting room they greeted some scientist and agents they passed on their way and met with doctor Cornelius Mayweather, their school nurse and biology teacher. 'Ren you're finally here. Michelle, you came too?' He asks surprised. Michelle nods.

'Yes. I want to know more about the things you do here. So, I want to help Ren and the others with their work.' She answers.

'Hmm I don't know.' Mayweather questions her answer. Michelle looks questioning at him.

'What do you mean?'

'Michelle, you do understand what you are saying right? Other than that, the two of you are just classmates, you actually shouldn't have any other connection with Ren outside school. Saying you want to help them means you want to be their colleague. And considering what kind of work they do, I don't think that you are fit for this kind of work.' Mayweather explains. Michelle frowns her eyebrows.

'You don't know that doctor Mayweather. I canhelp them if given the chance.' She opposes. Mayweather sighs.

'Listen, don't take this personal, but more like an opinion of someone who has a family. If you really choose to do this kind of work you will be put in many dangerous situations, do you understand that?' He tries to reason.

'Of course, I understand. Ren can protect me, I trust him after all, and otherwise I'll find a way to defend myself.' Mayweather shakes his head.

'You don't understand Michelle. Unlike Ren, you're human. As for me and everyone else that works here, we received special training to fend for ourselves, some even have received genetic-enhancement. And you are a civilian no less. What if something happens to you? How could we explain it to your father? We at Border deal with the supernatural that are kept a secret to avoid worldwide panic. If we have to come with bad news about you to your father, how would he react, keep in mind that he is the chief of police.' Mayweather explains. Michelle's face looks a bit sad but cleared up immediately.

'I get it doctor, but I still want to be involved with this. I promise I will be very careful and make sure that ifmy father finds out, I'll make sure that he keeps it a secret.' She promises him. Mayweather narrows his eyes and sighs.

'Fine, but I am not the one to decide if you can work with us. That decision is to be made by the director.' He says. Michelle nods and the three of them continue walking to the meeting room.

      The automatic doors open, and they step into a big room with a big oval table in the middle of it. Opposite of them is a wall where there is a gigantic screen hanging on the wall with all kinds of smaller screens hanging around it, some are even holograms. On the oval table is a little black projector with a sensor on top that can project holograms. The edge of the table is higher than the middle of the table and is wide enough that you can place 2 laptops behind each other. In the middle of the table where it is lower, a world map has been set with little dots that give light, each light the dots show, shows something different. Presenting cities, mountains and plains, those kinds of things, but also their different branches around the world.

      Michelle and Ren walk to the table. Shun, Kyle and Nate were already present at the table. 'Evening everyone' Ren greets. They turn their head around and greet them back.

'Hm? Michelle, you came too?' Asks Shun. Michelle nods.

'Of course. Now that I know your kind of job, I'll be going with you guys everywhere!' She proudly announces.

'Haha, great. Then welcome to Border.' Kyle says, stands up and shakes Michelle's hand to welcome her. He also handed her a card given to guest to hang around her neck. 'Every time you come here, make sure you have this hanging visible around your neck. Security is very tight around here. If you don't have it hanging around your neck visible at some places in Border, security cameras will see you as an intruder and the lasers will shoot your head off.' Kyle says, and he makes a gesture with his finger slicing his neck.

The Tale of Ren - Book one: The Hunt BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now