21 - Oops

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∞ Alison Dilaurentis ∞

''What the hell, Emily!'' I burst out, pushing myself upwards to make a gap between us. ''Did you just cum inside me?'' I ask, not truly convinced if she's really that stupid.

Emily gulps, biting her lip. ''Seems like it.''

''What?!'' I gasp as my head begins to ache. ''How can you be that stupid?!''

''Sorry..'' Emily mumbles, her hands locked above her head. ''I didn't mean to.''

''Idiot.'' I murmur, getting up from the lounger and start to pick up my clothes.

''Alison..'' Emily gets up as well, walking up to me. ''Do you hate me now?''

I turn away from her, scoffing in response.

''Well this isn't my fault.'' Emily states while getting dressed.

''So it's my fault?'' I ask, folding my arms. ''I didn't force you to cum inside me, you made that decision all by yourself.''

''Shall we really discuss who did what? Because your list will be very long, Alison.'' Emily warns.

''Excuse me?'' I hiss at her, my eyes burning into hers.

''Don't push this.'' Emily whispers, taking a step closer.

I step back. ''Or what?''

Emily opens her mouth to say something, but closes it again. Instead I get a disappointed headshake before she begins to walk away, now facing away from me.

She walks out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

The tears begin to build up as I think of everything. Emily does have a point. I made her come here, I seduced her, undressed her, and started this whole thing. But it doesn't give her the right to cum in me. She might have Asperger, but I think she knows very well what the consequences might be.

''Alison?'' I turn back around, seeing Patricia's head peek inside. ''You okay? Why did Emily leave in such a hurry?''

I want to answer her, but no words come out.

Patricia walks up to me, taking her comforting arms around me. ''God baby, you're crying.'' She whispers, holding me tight.


∞ Emily Fields ∞

''I will not tolerate this!''

''What did you do now?'' Spencer asks while eating her donut. She's one the girls I work with, and the only one of them that I trust. ''You killed someone?'' I shake my head. ''You ate something bad? Cause that can end like-''

''No! It's worse!''

''What can be worse than eating bad food?''

''Many things, Spencer!'' I burst out, my hands starting to feel sweaty the more I rub them against each other.

''Alright, tell me.'' Spencer says calmly, wiping her hands clean. ''What's on your mind?''

''Uh..'' I gulp and try to figure you how to say it. ''What would you do if you.. you know.. by accident, cum in someone?''

Spencer's brown eyes gets ten times bigger. ''Geez, I'd probably be killed.''

''Seriously? It's not time for jokes.''

''Who's joking??'' Spencer bursts out, then gives it up. ''Fine. I would want to figure out if I did something bad, or if it didn't mattered.''

''You mean like..?''

''Pregnancy test, man! Geez, you've never banged a girl before?''

I scratch the back of my neck. Maybe it's not a bad idea.

Spencer waves at me, waiting for me to answer. ''I haven't been in this situation before, okay?!'' I shout at her.

''Fine! Fine! I'll go with you.''

''Where?'' I ask, confused.

Spencer rolls her eyes. ''To grandma for a cup of tea. Where do you think? The pharmacy of course!''

''Oh.. right.'' I catch up, following her to where her car is.

''Alright,'' Spencer speaks up once we're in her car. ''Now tell me, what does she look like?''


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