23 - She's the only one I have eyes for

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∞ Emily Fields ∞

''You're not.'' Alison whispers, her head comfortably resting against my chest.

My grip around her tightens, and I make sure to get as much as I can out of this. The fact that she's a hooker with a unlimited number of horny people around her at work still bothers me, and my heart keeps telling me to convince her to quit, but at the same time it must be her decision to make, not mine.

The song ends in the loudspeaker and a new one comes on.

''So.. how do we solve this?''

We face each other, Alison's blue eyes smiling gently at me. ''I'll take the morning after pill as soon as I get home.''

''One simple pill can fix this?'' I ask, surprised.

She shrugs. ''I don't know. But it's worth a shot.''

I begin to smile, facing the floor as my cheeks turn pink. She looks at me questioning. ''What's so funny?'' She asks smiling.

''It's just that.. I don't mind building a family with you in the future.''

''You don't mind? Sounds like it'd be a problem to you.''

''Well yeah? I'm not exactly the ultimate parent since I barely can take care of myself.'' I say, nervously scratching my neck.

''I think you'll be an awesome parent one day, Emily.'' Alison tells me, her warm smile getting to my heart as we lean in, our lips getting in contact and our bodies being pulled closer.

''You are going to be a great mother as well.'' I whisper once we pull apart, resting my forehead against hers.

The door above the stairs opens, and in comes a running Patricia who trips on her own foot and almost fall down the stairs.

I shake my head smiling and Alison covers her mouth, trying to suppress a laugh.

''Fuck! That shit could've killed me!'' Patricia exclaims once she's down. ''And I'm hungry.'' She adds, sounding like a child.

I furrow her eyebrows. ''Who let you inside my house?''

''Sorry, but you own me a bunch of 'thank you's' since I'm the one who fixed your relationship!'' Patricia says in a high pitched voice.

''Pat,'' Ali scolds, giving her a look.

''What Ali? It's true?'' Patricia argues.

Alison and I glance at each other, both looking slightly annoyed.

''You got what I asked for?'' Alison asks her. Patricia nods and picks up something from her pocket, handing it over to the blonde.

''What's that?'' I ask.

Alison and Patricia exchanges a knowing smile, right before Patricia turns to me. ''That's what she must take to not get pregnant because of your, according to Alison, big dick.''

I smirk at Alison who gasps and slaps Patricia's arm roughly. ''Learn to keep your mouth shut!'' Alison says, looking embarrassed.

Patricia gasps. ''Pfft! I'm telling the truth.''

''Whatever.'' Alison mumbles, taking a quick glance on the package she's holding before turning to me. ''Kitchen?''

''Oh,'' I say, catching up.

I walk up from the basement with the girls trailing close behind me until we're in the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out a bottle of water, giving it to her before sitting down on the dinner table.

Patricia joins by my side, casually placing her hand on my thigh. I glance at her, and she smirks at me.

The tongue starts moving in my mouth as I eye her. ''Never going to happen.'' I say and remove her hand, not comfortable with her touching me like that.

''Ugh! Why not?'' Patricia whines.

''Listen, it's not that you're not attractive because you are, trust me! but my heart belongs to someone and she's the only one I have eyes for.'' I tell her, and to my surprise she cracks a real smile.

''You really are something, E.'' The woman says, then looks at Alison. ''She's so worth it. But if you hurt her ass you'll hear from me again, and I'll literally kill you.''

I can't really tell if she's kidding or not, so I just chuckle nervously while nodding. ''Got it.''

I look at the blonde, her figure from behind looking absolutely perfect. One part of me wants to rip her clothes off and take her right now, but the conscience of mine is telling me how bad it'd be.

''Stop eye fucking her!'' Patricia yells in a whisper, nudging me in the side.

''What?'' I ask, pretending to be innocent as Alison turns around to face us.

''All done!'' She says happily, her hands clapping together as she walks up to me. ''What were you two whispering about?'' She sits down on my lap and lock her hands behind my head.

I gulp, my eyes getting stuck on her cleavage since the upper two buttons on her blouse is unbuttoned, showing more than I should see. ''Uh..'' I mumble, not being able to look away.

''Wow.. such a guy.'' Patricia says, causing Alison to laugh with her head tossed back. God.. she's begging for it, even though she isn't.

'If she doesn't stop i'll get a..' is all I manage to tell myself before the bulge in my pants hardens.

Alison gasps quietly, probably noticing it. ''Patricia I think you should leave.'' The blonde tells her, sounding like she's in a hurry.

''Alright, I have work so I better go. See ya later, bitches.'' Patricia exclaims, heading out of the kitchen and out of the building.

I give Alison a look, and she nods towards the stairs.

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