38 - Ali or Miss D?

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∞ Alison Dilaurentis ∞ Next Morning ∞

''Good morning, sleeping beauty.''

I blink a few times and tried to get rid of the blurry vision that covers the mirrors I choose to call my eyes. The blurry shadow turns into a woman, but not the one I expected.

''Patricia?'' I rub my eyes and sit up straight.

''Why do you look to shocked? You don't remember falling asleep on my couch last night?'' Patricia asks right before climbing out of the bed in nothing but underwear.

I look in the opposite direction and sigh. ''Why didn't you wake me up? I wasn't supposed to sleep here?''

''Last night it seemed like it'd be a dream coming true for you.'' Patricia points out while bending over to pick up my outfit from yesterday.

Wait.. if my clothes are over there then..?

I take a quick check under the cover, realizing i'm also in nothing but underwear. Is it possible to feel hung over even though you only drank tea last night?

''God.. what time is it?'' I ask as the shame begin to flash all over me.

Patricia shrugs. ''Last time I checked it was almost 9. Why?''

''Because I have a girlfriend who might be wondering where the hell I am? I left the house yesterday telling her i'd be gone for two, maybe three hours and come back the next day, probably looking like a wandering halloween costume as well!''

''Alison will you please calm down? What happened between us last night is just that- a thing between us- okay? nothing to worry about.'' Patricia says, gently touching my shoulder.

I nod and breath out in relief. ''Okay. Good. You promise you'll keep this a secret?''

Patricia nods. ''Of course. You're my best friend, Ali. And the last thing I want is to destroy your key to happiness. Try to remember that.'' She winks, then throws my blouse and skirt in my face.

I chuckle and remove the cover to get dressed. ''You're the best, Pat.''

''I know.'' The redhead whispers, winking once again.

I roll my eyes and reach for my purse as I'm fully dressed. ''I guess I'll see you around?'' As I turn around I meet those peaceful green pair of eyes and feel my lips slightly parting as the beautiful redhead leans in to kiss me. I return the kiss that lasts for a couple of seconds, then smile nervously as we pull apart.

''You'll see me around, Miss. D.'' Patricia says lowly before backing away from me.

I bite my bottom lip and turn around to unlock the door to her apartment and once I'm out I have to stay dead in tracks for a minute until I'm mentally stable again.


I walk up on the front porch and unlock it with my keys. ''Babe! I'm home!'' I call out before dropping the purse and removing my outerwear.

A sleepy brunette comes walking down the stairs in boxer shorts and an oversized hoodie. ''Morning.'' She says, giving me a small smile before entering the kitchen, completely ignoring the fact that I've been gone for almost 12 hours.

''You slept well?'' I ask, following her to the kitchen to sit down by the island.

The brunette nods while pouring up a glass of juice. ''I guess I did. What about you?''

I gulp, eyeing her carefully. ''What do you mean?''

''Did you sleep well at Patricia's? She called me early this morning and told me you fell asleep on her couch last night.'' Emily explains, leaning back against the counter.

''Oh.. yeah. I slept okay I guess. A couch isn't the most comfortable place though.'' I say, rubbing my back to make it seem like I actually slept on a hard sofa.

Emily nods, her eyes still sleepy. ''You have any plans for the day?''

''Not really. What about you?''

''I got a call from Spencer only a few minutes ago, she told me to come by her house in half an hour to check out the drawings for the house we've been told to begin with in a few days.'' Emily says, slightly yawning.

''Is that good or bad?'' I ask curiously.

Emily looks at me confusing. ''Why would it be bad?''

''I don't know.. You don't seem so happy about it?''

''Well I prefer being home if that's what you're asking? But it's been almost a week since our last job was finished so it's time for something new anyways.''

''Well..'' I begin, walking around the kitchen island and stop in front of the tall brunette. ''How long until you have to be at work?''

''A couple of hours, but I have to be at Spencer's in 25 minutes.''

''Too bad.'' I whisper and lean in to kiss her soft lips. She starts to smile as she kisses me back, putting down the glass on the counter before wrapping her strong arms around me. ''I missed you last night.'' I mumble against her lips.

Ugh.. I shouldn't be lying to the one I love...

''Did you miss me while you were with Patricia? Shouldn't you two focus on the two of you when you see each other?'' Emily asks, her deep brown eyes staring down at me.


''We did. But I still had you on my mind.'' I lie, kissing the brunette on the cheek before letting go.

''You're so cute.'' Emily kisses my nose before heading towards the stairs. ''I'll see you later.''

I bite my lip roughly, thinking how I might could get my mind off of the thing that happened last night. I do regret it, but I also enjoyed it.

I'm one hundred precent sure Patricia and I are not a match in a romantic way. Maybe more like.. friends with benefits?

But after all Emily and I have been through.. and god I love that woman with all my heart.

I better get my shit together before I lose a person.. or even worse, two.


A/N: I'd like your opinion on the story so far? Sure, Alison is a complete asshole atm, but the story is far from it's ending.

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