2) The pranks

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While Holly was sitting on a swing of boredom doing nothing, Molly entered their backyard while talking on her phone... Once Molly put her phone in her pocket Holly asked "Who were ya talkin' to?" Molly answered straight away with excitement "Oh, well Sarah is coming here in about 15 minutes. She also really wants to go on our trampoline. So on the way here while I was talking to her I might have bought an AIRHORN!! Do you know what that means?" Holly nodded then she went inside her house to get some sellotape while Molly was setting up the camera in a hidden place so noone would be able to see it. Molly turned on their camera and explained what they are doing and why the camera is hidden. Holly came back out of their house and sellotaped the airhor at the bottom of the trampoline. "I'm not trying this out!" The twins said at the same time then giggled. The time has come. Sarah opened the gate to Holly's and Molly's backyard while they were talking about something. "Hi Sarah" Holly and Molly said it at the same time again and giggled. "So can I go on the trampoline then maybe all together play tag?" The twins nodded. Once Sarah jumped onto the trampoline the airhorn went off!! Sarah screamed "AGHH!! I HATE YOU BOTH!! I'M NEVER COMING BACK HERE EVER AGAIN!!" Then Sarah stormed off when the twins were laughing to death. "Oh yes, this is life!" Holly said, "Who do we have next though Molly?" "IDK, umm, Courtney? Sasha? Lucia? Ambrey? Or maybe Lisa?" Holly said "Hmm, I think that the triplets could be good to prank! But what prank shall we do? Maybe lets pour water over them then vinegar!" Molly called Rose, Lucy and
Katie, the triplets, over to their garden and said thet they will play the musical chairs or hide and seek. Holly took the vinegar from their kitchen and a bucket of water. Holly also took 3 chairs into their backyard beside their shed. Molly and Holly hid the vinegar and water behind a bush that is very close to the chairs then Holly got the camera started and explained everything while Molly got the blindfolds. The triplets came to the twin's garden. "Hi, ya want to play musical chairs tangled edition?" Molly asked while Holly took the rope out of their shed. "Come and we will tell you how to play," Holly said then went over to the chairs while being followed by the triplets and Molly. Holly explained "So what you do is there are 3 chairs so the music will be playing and we will be blind folded and one of us will not be playing but controlling the music so when the music stops we need to sit on a chair. After that, the person that will be controlling the music will tie the rope againt us then the 3 people will have to escape that rope blind folded in 3 minutes and whoever will not get out looses. Oh, and the person that is tying us up will tell us when their ready. Ok?" Everyone nodded and Molly voulentere for the music controlling person. Holly, Rose, Lucy and Katie put on their blindfolds and started walking while the music was playing. Holly took off her blindfold and got ready the rope. Molly stopped the music and the tiplets sat down. Molly said that she will get ready the rope and the timer and to keep their blindfolds on. Holly and Molly tied the rope tightly around the triplets then Molly said that she is getting the timer redy when she accually was getting the vinegar and Holly took the water. Molly and Holly poured the vinegar and the water over the triplets then laughed to death again. "UGHHHH!!!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" The triplets shouted then took off their blindfolds, escaped the rope then ran off.

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