The Journey Begins

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Hii guys so finally u r going to Hogwarts. I know u'll must be waiting for this since soooo long but now finally ur dream is gonna be ture. Njoy 😉
POV (Y/N):

It was now the fifth time when I was checking my trunk to make sure I'm all ready. This feeling itself is soo magical that I can't express it in words. It's something out of this world. I felt like the happiest person in this entire world. I felt weightless, felt like I'm swimming in love or I'm being embraced by the whole universe. I just can't explain.

Tomorrow is the day when finally I will be going to Hogwarts. I just couldn't wait for dawn I had that feeling that I would probably just run out of my house and scream for the whole world to listen that who I am and what I'm capable of. But I had to control myself my parents had made this really clear that this has to remain a secret. If anyone comes to know about it I would miss the chance of changing my life and be stuck up here for ever with my normal or as they, we wizards and witches call the 'muggle' life and 'muggle' school. The thought itself gives me goosebumps.

I felt like a child on the Christmas morning waiting to open its presents. We were heading towards platform 9 3/4. My mother explained me how to get to the platform. When we were heading towards the wall I saw a glimpse of a boy and his father both with blonde hair and expensive clothes disappearing behind the wall. I felt the weird tickling sensation in my stomach.

I closed my eyes shut as my father guided me towards the wall, he paused for a minute which felt like he was making sure that nobody is watching, then he took my hand and we jogged towards the wall. It felt like I passed a thin barrier of cold air and when I opened my eyes I saw the big board which read 9 3/4 and a little bit far stood the scarlet Hogwarts express.

The tickling in my stomach grew more and more wild and I couldn't control my emotions. We loaded my trunks. Finally after receiving bone crushing sandwich hugs and kisses I boarded the Hogwarts express. As the engine started all my emotions burst into thick fat tears, and I waved my parents a final goodbye when I saw my mother sobbing on my father's shoulders and my father simply smiling and waving me goodbye, and comforting my mom, at the same time controlling his tears.

I bravely ventured out to find a compartment, soon I discovered one with only one girl in it. She had long black hair tumbling down her slim shoulders and the bluest of eyes I've ever seen. I slid open the door and smiled at her "Do you mind? All the other ones are full" She smiled at me "Please sit" "I'm (Y/N) (Y/S)" I told her holding out my hand and she firmly shook it "Audrey Silverman". And then me and Audrey somehow became best friends.

We discussed about Hogwarts and the Four houses. She was really smart and witty, as far I understood the houses I was pretty sure that she's gonna be a Ravenclaw

 She was really smart and witty, as far I understood the houses I was pretty sure that she's gonna be a Ravenclaw

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(Audrey Silverman. You can imagine ur frnd instead if you want)

She is extremely smart almost like me but much more kinder than me. She was probably one of the sweetest people I've ever meet. I was busy chatting with Audrey when I saw the girl named Hermione I met in Florish n Blotts pass by. I felt very bad and realised that I was actually a bit rude to her so I asked her to join in, Audrey also had no problem with Hermione joining us in fact she enjoyed her company. Soon I, Audrey and Hermione became best friends.

After a few hours or so I and Audrey changed into our robes, Hermione however was already in her robes.

When the train stopped on a station named Hogsmeade all three of us left our luggage and joined all other the first years.

We had to travel in boats and soon the great Hogwarts castle caught our eyes. The castle was built in a valley area surrounded by mountains as a part of the landscape with a fairly large lake to the south of the main building in which our boats were sailing.

The little boats carried us through a curtain of ivy which hid a wide opening in the cliff face. We were carried along a dark tunnel which seemed to be taking us right underneath the castle. We then reached a kind of underground-harbour where we clambered onto the rocks.

All the first years walked to the front steps of Hogwarts then proceeded into a door, up some steps. A tall woman was waiting there for us. She was wearing a black long dress with a green vest as long as the dress with a witch's hat upon her head. She was tall and severe-looking with dark hair.

She smiled as we approached her. She had a scroll in her hand with each of the first years names on it. " Welcome to Hogwarts. I'm professor Minerva McGonagall." she continued "Now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and sit with your fellow classmates. But first you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. While you are here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the house cup." she explained us.

A boy saw besides the woman was a toad and yelled out "Trevor!"

The boy went and picked up the toad, looked up at McGonagall, muttered a soft sorry and then returned to his place, earning laughs and snickering from the other students. I thought that must be Neville, about whom Hermione told me earlier on the train.

"The sorting ceremony will begin shortly McGonagall said and left into the gigantic doors that were in front of us. She had opened very little, enough that she could walk through so I couldn't see what was inside.

Just then the blonde boy I saw in Madam Malkin's step forward. He was talking to someone but I couldn't hear him. McGonagall came back and tapped him on the shoulder, he looked at her then someone in the crowd, then returning back to his place.

"We are ready" with that the huge doors opened showing a great big dinning hall, with four very long tables. At the very front was a table for the teachers. I looked up as I was walking in, candles, floating candles and the ceiling looked as if it was the sky. "It's not real, the ceiling" Hermione began "it's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I've read about it in Hogwarts: a History." I rolled my eyes playfully knowing exactly what she ment- you should have bought the book.

Hey Control. I know u r all mad at me for ending it like this but I wanted to write a separate chapter for the sorting ceremony, don't worry I'll be updating soon and yes In the next chapter I'll finally introduce Draco😅😝 And he'll become ur best frnd 😏😏 Stay tuned to know how you become friends. 😉😉😘😘I know u must be tired of me always calling him that blonde boy but srssly even I hate doing that. Don't worry it'll end soon.

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