The flying lessons

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POV (Y/N):

I was heading towards the grounds with Audrey and Hermione for our first flying lessons with the Gryffindors. I was genuinely, vastly fatigued after charms and potions. I never knew I was this talented in magic. Only I and Hermione managed to levitate the feather, Audrey eventually did it on the third attempt. Professor Flitwick granted all of us 5 points. Professor Snape's entry in the class was quite formidable. Although he was a bit rude to Harry he was in fact very gifted with potions. Nevertheless he deducted the 5 points Hermione managed to earn in charms, because Harry Potter crossed the line, according to him.

   We were heading towards the grounds. I had a cleansweep 5 in my hand which Madam Hooch had given me.

(the cleansweep 5)

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(the cleansweep 5)

    On our way me Audrey and Hermione were footsloging together, we were exchanging views about quidditch. I discovered that Hermione didn't have much intrest in it, however Audrey was quite enthusiastic about it and wanted to become a chaser in the house team just like me. But... To our displeasure first years weren't allowed in the house quidditch team. I had made this firm decision that we would surely try our best next year to join the team.

   We were standing in a perfect queue. I was standing in between Audrey and Hermione and Draco was right in front of me. His blonde hair was fleeting due to the winds. I couldn't control but stare at him. I was so lost in his thoughts. After a few minutes of staring Hermione elbowed me and pointed towards the castle from where  Madam Hooch was coming. She instructed us how to summon our brooms. All the other students were struggling to summon their brooms. Only Me, Audrey, Draco and Harry Potter was able to do it in the first attempt. However after some time the lessons stopped because Neville Longbottom was injured.

    Draco and Harry were fighting with each other over Neville's rememberall. Harry eventually managed to rescue it. I was so surprised that he managed to stay on his broom even though it was his first time. I went over and appreciated him. "You flew really good, I mean it definitely didn't look like you did for the first time, by the way, I'm (Y/N) (Y/S)." "Hi (Y/N) I'm Harry Potter and thanks for your kind words, I mean this is the first time in my life that someone has appreciated me for something, thank-you so much.

    After this short meeting of ours me and Harry became best friends, he was chosen as the seeker for the Gryffindor team and I and Hermione were really happy for him. I eventually befriended Ron as well. We all made the most unusual gang at Hogwarts. Me, Hermione, Audrey, Harry and Ron were like inseparable.

    I continued my nightly chats with Draco every night. He as well became my best friend but denied to join our gang as he never liked Hermione or Harry or Ron. "Why do you hang out with that mudblood Granger" he said one night. "Watch out Draco" I warned him " She's my friend" "Do you atleast realize that she hangs out with that Potter and Weasel!" "Please Draco they're my friends" "Friends huh? I don't think so" he said and I clearly understood what he meant. "WOAH WOAH WOAH DRACO MALFOY let me make this thing really clear, Harry is just my friend and nothing more than that" I spat out the words and went straight back to my dormitory without saying good night.

POV Draco:

   'Thank Merlin. They're only friends. I won't lie I really like her. I can't afford to lose her because of that POTTER. I infact had a crush on her since the very first day we met in Madam Malkin's. She is just so beautiful and cute. I can't stop but think about her day and night. I took that Longbottom's rememberall and flew only to show her that I am so talented in flying. I wanted her to praise me but instead she got impressed by that POTTER. Still I can't resist but think about her all the time, her (y/e/c) eyes and ( y/h/c) hair, they are just so perfect. I am sure she in the goddess of beauty. I have to impress her at any cost.' I thought to myself. I was so busy thinking about her that I can't remember when I fell asleep.

POV Harry:

    '(Y/N) she's just so amazing and beautiful. I admit I have a crush on her. I don't know how and when but I just fell for her. I just can't imagine my life without her. I finally succeeded in being her friend and I'll make sure our relationship grows over time' these thoughts were continuously invading my mind and I just couldn't sleep. 'I have to make sure she becomes mine. I could fight the whole world for her, even Ron. And I swear... if that MALFOY comes in my way I will not spare him.'
So... How was this chapter. Did u all like it? And just a for the ones who don't know (y/e/c) is 'your eye colour' and     (y/h/c) is 'your hair colour'. I really njoyed writing this chapter. Please let me know if u all liked it or not in the comments and plz do vote for my story😘

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