Chapter 2: The Road to The Capitol

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Lavina clears her throat before saying "Cirrianetta Tatum!"

me.its me. i just got reaped for the Hunger Games. i look at Blare whos standing next to me. she look sad. then  a thought hits me and i look over to the other side.Sage is looking at me with true despair in his eyes then i hear Lavina's voice ringing in my ear. "Come,Come!" she says happily. i take slow steps toward the stage with people moving out of my way as i move. by the time i reach the top of the stage i think im about to pass out but i imagine Sage holding me up and i stay on my feet.hes boring right into my eyes and i know i'll die if i meet his gaze,so i try my hardest to avoid it."now for our mister,shall we?" she says still sounding giggly,as if she didnt just sentence me to my death.she walks over to the other ball to choose a male tribute. she diggs through the ball forever just like before. what if she draws Sage! i cant kill him! ah! the word is like a fire burining in my body.kill. i'll have to kill. i'll have to kill or be killed. but then again,what if i win? what if i come back and get a house in the victor's village! then what? i wont have to go to school anymore. yes! no matter what i'll never be in school again! if i die i die. if i live i wont have to go! eventually she pulls out another white slip. she gigles some more, making me really want to strangle the life out of her!she takes forever to finally read the only hope is that its not Sage!

and its not. "Savv Roserie!" Savv? i know him. hes my age. hes always been in my class in school. hes a nice guy. not a career. thats a relief. hes nice,and we've talked maybe twice for about 5 seconds but at least they've spared Sage. oh no! Sage! what if he volunteers to go into the games with me! i could never let him do that! i look at him now trying to read his mind and i do... he looks like he's ready for volunteering....he looks back at me with a smile and i scowl and shake my head at him as if telling him no to what hes about to do. he looks at me again and his smile turns to a frown and a tear runs down his cheek. he realizes that only 1 person can survive the games and he crosses his arms with sadness all over his face. he has a strand of hair in his eyes and i wish i could reach out and smooth it back into place as an excuse to feel the touch of his soft pale skin on my fingers. "Any brave soul wish to volunteer?" she says. no one steps up. no careers this year. thats a first! District 2 with ho Career tributes? huh. this year will be interesting. i plan to hide my strength until the private training session with the gamemakers. and then i'll hide it by getting a score of around an 8 even though i know i can get at least a 10 if not a big fat 11. now the reaping is over and i'm being escorted into the justice building to say my final goodbyes and then be forced into a train to go to the capitol. i'm shoved into a sitting room with a couch and 3 chairs. a minute or so later the door opens and my parents walk in. my mother holding a balling Trint in her shaking arms.

"Cirri..." Trint chokes out through his tears and i take him into my own arms and my mother colappses into my father's arms as well.we hug and greive and cry in somewhat silenece until the peacekeeper comes to take them away.

"i'll be fine, Trint..." i kiss his forehead. and the door closes.i know i'm probably lying to him,but i think it made us both feel a little bit is Sage. he comes in and i leap into his strong arms as he strokes my hair, comforting me. "Sage..." i spill out quietly,almost inaudible.

"it'll be okay." he says holding me tightly. "i talked to Enobaria. i told her to take care of you for me." i start to cry as i lift my head up to look at him. as if the moment is right we kiss.this time i'm completely aware of it. i actually enjoy it too. "Cirrianetta Tatum..." he says. why did he use my full name? i look at him expectantly. "i love you."he say,looking at me with those hazel eyes i know so well and i feel warm inside and i just hug him and bury my face in his chest. he kisses me one last time before i say

"i'll miss you..." he looks at me and smiles holding back tears of his own and he hands me a rose.

"you're strong. you'll make it out. i know you."and this time i kiss him.then it hits me

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