Chapter 3: Life in The Capitol

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Lavina comes to my room, inviting me to dinner but all i want to do now is cry. strong or not. i'm not invincible. most likley the opposite.i'm more like the kind of person who wants to being in someones arms or in their lap and i just want someone to comfort me while i cry. but right now i just want to be alone. Enobaria's nice but i barley know her and she just reminds too much of Sage. i miss Sage already and i've only been gone for 2 hours. i wonder what he's doing right now? i wonder if hes thinking of me how i'm thinking of him? i'm sad. i don't want to thimk of the games! how could i? i cant even get over my... huh. what do i call him? is he my boyfriend now? or are we just really good friends who are in love with each other? Lavina! she must have a cell phone! i can call Sage. i have to find her.i run out of my room and start frentically screaming her name. eventually she comes running out of the dining car,looking frightened like she thinks i'm badly hurt. "Lavina!!!! i need a phone! do you have a phone? please its urgent!" she looks at me suprised at my anxiety.

"yes.yes. here!" she says" just dont tell anyone i gave it to you! i'm not supposed to."she says more quietly.i hug her tightly and run back to run jumping and skipping like a crazy person! i get back and sit on my bed and start dialing Sage's number and the minute it takes to ring is killing me. then someone in a high pitched childlike voice answers

"hello?" she says

"PIA! quick i need to talk to Sage,NOW!" i say quickly into the phone.

"oh. hes in his room crying. his girlfriend left for the hunger games." she says nonchalantly back

"please,Pia, its Cirri! Trint's sister?" i say and she groans softly. i hear walking on a staircase and a faint shouting

"Sage! Cirri's calling for you!"and then i hear someone who must be Sage screaming.

 "GIVE ME THAT PHONE PIA!"" and within seconds i hear a door slam and the voice of the boy i love. "Cirri! how did you?how are you?" he says as if he has been crying for 2 hours,and the sound of my voice is the best sound he's ever heard. i like it. it makes me feel special.

"Lavina gave me her phone.she said i could keep it till the games start. but its not allowed so i might not call as much as i want to.and i'm fine,just trying to take all of this in...its all happened so fast today!"i tell him.

"i'm so sorry. i should have told you sooner. i know i caught you off gaurd... but i'm just... really sorry." he says lovingly. i smile but i know he cant see me.

"stop it. its fine dont feel so bad,i'm glad you said it,i thought i was alone on that. i really miss you. i'm just kind of...i dont know, sad."i say and i feel comforted by his voice.

"i know i just...i miss you too. Blare passed out once you went into the justice building but she felt bad that she didnt say goodbye.promise me when you get home we can spend more time together?" he says expectantly.

"wow. you must really be confident in me winning this thing! please i'll deal with that later but first i have to worry about Savv,and alliances,and the interview,and the training session,and so many other things i want to ignore! i just want to spend the time talking to you..." i trail off realizing that thats ot going to happen. "i wish i could bring you here..."

"i know. i just hate the Capitol for doing this to me...doing this to us..."he says in a vioce i've never heard before.but it feels comforting and i know that missing him is going to be the worst part of all of this.

"please... take care of Trint for me...and tell Blare i said hi."i say needily. like a helpless child.

"i promise! haha wait? what was that first thing you said you had to worry about? Savv? what are you talking about?" a hint of anger is rising in his voice.

"no no no! its nothing! i'm just thinking about how i should go about killing him, but i mean i think he hates me!"i tell him reassuringly "trust me. you have nothing to worry about!" i finish

"really? you know thats a lie... your on a train to the Capitol as a tribute in the Hunger Games while i'm forced to watch it all on television?"he says in a sad voice "nothing to worry about there!" he says with more of a sarcastic tone. i want to kiss him so badly. but i cant. and it makes me hurt. "sorry am i keeping you from something important? i'm sorry i just-" he says feeling guilty.

"no! its fine. i skipped dinner. i couldnt eat..." i say aas he calms. "so i have all night!" we both laugh. i never want this moment to end. but eventually i know it has to.

"oh,i'm so sorry...i have to go....i'll call you back in a couple hours! i promise!"he says even more sadly.

"it's fine. its fine. its okay, i understand i'll be here still!" i  tell him lovingly.

"okay...i love you.. bye" he says softly

"love you too, Sage. bye..." i press the hang up button and place the cell phone on the beside table wishing the call would not have ended. i hear an angry grunt and what sounds like someone punching th wall in the next room over.i think thats Savv's room? why is he so mad. well, i have a few hours to kill before Sage calls back so i decide to see whats wrong. i walk out into the hall and gently knock on Savv's door and i hear silence. then he opens the door and glares at me.

"what do you want?" he shouts in my face and continues to glare.i'm almost frightened by this.

"i heard a loud noise. i just wanted to make sure you were okay..." i say defensivley.

"well you know what! some people dont have everything handed to them!some people dont haveperfect lives and lots of friends and a retarded boyfriend! i think i'm going to enjoy killing you!" he screams at me. to hide my terrifying fright, i roll my eyes and walk away calmly back into my room to wait silently for Sage to call back, but not before Lavina shows up. she walks in with her normal joyous disposition.

"did you make your phone call?" she asks. i smile and nod my head contently. "Hes lucky. you're pretty. is he the one who came to say goodbye? the peacekeepers said it was hard to seperate you two...littearally!"she laughs a little. "haha feel free to use the phone anytime you want. they wont really care as long as you dont say anything you could get arrested for!" she finifhes.

"so just like phone calls back home?" i laugh before realizing she knows nothing about district 2 although shes been the escort for 15 years! i think she quickly picks up on the fact that i want to be alone which i find convenient.

"alright,we'll be in the Capitol very early in the morning. goodnight, love!"she says before walking out and shutting the door behind her. i decide to take a nap until Sage calls back. so i turn the volume up and get under the covers.before i know it asleep and dreaming sweetly of me and Sage back home.

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