Chapter 5

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The war was won and now only one question remained, would the Hound and the Dragon remain with the Hawk? Or would they go their separate ways? Perhaps there is a third unseen option that eludes their vision, only time could tell. 

The streets of the Midland capitol were filled to the brim with people cheering for the Band of the Hawk while some sang of their heroics against the soldiers of Tudor, the captains rode behind Griffith as flowers rained down on the mercenaries from the women on the overhead walkway, but (Y/N) walked in the rear with the maid and children quickly gaining confused looks from the citizens but still cheered for him as he passed, a couple of children were playing but stopped when a little girl tripped in front of (Y/N) causing him to stop, when the girl looked up she saw the dragon in his glory as he looked down at the child soon the mother came and began to apologize to (Y/N) "Forgive us sir, she meant no harm." the mother said while bowing to the dragon.

He knelt down to their level and checked the girl for injuries finding a small scrape on her hand, he reached behind his back and pulled out the water skin he filled with alcohol and poured a small amount on his claws then placed the tips over the scrape "This will hurt a little, try not to make a sound." he said gently earning a nod from the girl, a drop fell from the tips and she winced but stayed silent squeezing her mother's hand while the mother only stared at (Y/N) with his show of kindness as well as the rest of the common folk while the Band of the Hawk moved on, after he finished he placed the skin back where he kept it and wrapped the girl's hand in a bandage finishing with a small knot on the back of her hand while the girl examined it with curious eyes but stopped when she felt a hand on her head looking up she saw (Y/N)'s without his helmet allowing his (H/L) (H/C) locks flow with the subtle breeze that ran through the streets, she met his gaze finding a pair of (E/C) eyes that showed kindness while he gave a somber smile gently he rubbed her head "Try to be more careful from now on, we wouldn't want your mother worrying all the time now would we?" he said in a quiet yet kind and stern voice that reminded the girl of her grandfather, (Y/N) then reached down and carefully grabbed the girl by the pits of her arms and lifted her up making sure his claws didn't hurt her, when she was on her feet (Y/N) offered a hand to the mother who carefully took it as she felt the claws cold steel wrap around her wrist as he helped her up "Thank you sir." the mother said timidly earning a nod from (Y/N) before he continued on his way. 

When he rejoined with the rest of the Hawk the ceremony declaring their achievements had ended but the party would begin that evening giving the Band of the Hawk time to prepare as well as the nobles but before he could leave towards their quarters the king motioned him forward which he silently obeyed, as he walked the room had grown deathly silent save the sound of his boots and chain mail making contact with their respective counterparts as the boots gave a metallic thud thud thud but as he walked the front claws on the boots would make a shink shink shink noise whenever he would take each step only to drag his feet as he walked normally instead of how he would move on a battlefield making the claws create a shllllink clink as he slowly made his way forward. 

His armor made the normal clanking sounds one would expect while walking in full armor but what made everyone silent was the stories they had heard of the bloody (F/C) dragon and how he could render men to pieces like knives to food, how after every battle he was drenched in the blood of his enemies as he roared in victory as the fighting came to an end but what tale chilled every man, woman, and few children there, were the tales of how he punished those who take what is the dragon's, the tale of how he had captured Stella and treated her with respect even though she was his prisoner until one day he came back from fighting a group of Hawks stood and looked on in disgust as they found the body of Stella as a result of the aftermath of the fun a few Hawks had which lead to the wrath of the dragon gutting one before he squeezed his heart until it popped. 

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