Chapter 2

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(Y/N) woke up to the sound of footsteps approaching him (Y/N) quickly jumped up ready to attack whoever was coming towards him, but lowered his guard when Guts came up to him with a plate of food "How do you feel?" Guts asked worried about his brother's condition "Fine." he said simply as he ate looking out over the camp "Griffith wants us packed and ready to move out in a couple of hours." Guts said earning a nod from (Y/N) as he finished his meal handing his plate to Guts "Where are you going?" Guts asked "To pack." answered (Y/N) as he walked away. As he entered the camp he was confronted by Corkus who was sneering and looked ready for a fight "Good morning Corkus." (Y/N) greeted politely with a gentle tone "Don't give me that crap, you and your brother killed two of my men and cut another one's arm off and you suddenly act all buddy buddy, I can't forgive that." "Need I remind you it was you and your men who attacked first." this simple statement made Corkus open his mouth but no words came out, he gritted his teeth and stormed off "That was very impressive." said a voice behind him he turned and saw Griffith "I may fight like an animal but that doesn't mean I don't know diplomacy." this earned a nod from Griffith who (Y/N) had noticed was holding his helmet Griffith took notice and handed it to him "Quite the helmet, it makes you look like a dragon." "That was the intended purpose." "And the rest of your armor looks like scales, tell me why a dragon more specifically a (F/C) dragon?" "Why a hawk?" they stood there contemplating their questions until Griffith began to chuckle "I see your point, both represent us in a way." (Y/N) put his helmet in a bag and threw over his shoulder holding the bag by the string, (Y/N) gave a small wave to Griffith who returned it and both went their separate ways to get ready to head to the next battle. 

They arrived at the castle at midday and began planning once Judeau had returned from scouting the enemy's camp finding that their black powder storage was near the center "We'll wait until tomorrow night and the gale to pick up, then we'll wade through the river. The gale will cover the noise we make then start fires in the camp that will spread to the powder storage." Griffith explained receiving nods from everyone, (Y/N) wandered around the fort only to find Rickert, one of the only children in the Band of the Hawk, who looked to (Y/N) and began to wave to the clawed male (Y/N) returned the gesture and continued on greeting the other members of the Hawk but only receive looks that would kill but some would return the greeting. He was laying on one of the roofs of the fort with eyes closed enjoying the warm sunlight on his skin while his head rested in his hands as he let his thoughts wander, he stayed there for a duration of the day until small stones began to be flung at him one succeeding in hitting him on his leg he looked down to see Judeau, Pippin, and Rickert looking up at him as Judeau motioned for him to come down only for (Y/N) to lie back down "Hey! Quit socializing with the birds and get down here!" Judeau had called out, (Y/N) ignored them and continued to enjoy the warm sun. 

Some were training others were relaxing and out of all the Hawk three members continued to try and get the brothers to socialize only to succeed very little with Guts, but (Y/N) was a different story as when they went onto the roof he'd only give short answers or wouldn't at all but they didn't let that stop them as they soon got Griffith and Casca to try and convince (Y/N) to socialize with the rest of the Hawk, but as they reached his spot on the roof he was, only to find that he wasn't there but instead was on one of the walls sharpening his claws, but as they kept trying to get to him he'd move to a new location. The next night they went over the plan for the hit and run once more before acting out the plan "Does everyone understand what to do?" they all gave their acknowledgement of their tasks "Guts and (Y/N) will be in the rear guard." "Is that an order?" Guts asked "It is." as he let it sink in (Y/N) only thought of ways to protect the rear with just his claws causing him to smile slightly "Uh oh." Guts said in a teasing tone bringing Casca closer "What's wrong?" she asked thinking something was wrong "(Y/N)s' smiling, it means he's found what he considers a challenge." Guts explained while they looked at (Y/N), Casca had a slight look of worry as she saw his eyes flare up with excitement at the thought of a challenge she also noticed his fingers were twitching. 

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