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"Yes. It was perfect. Just perfect. But it was perfect because you were with me even deep down there." Nirav said softly. 

Closing the gap between them, Nirav moved closer to Anika, pulling her by her waist towards him. She felt her joints loosen and she relaxed against him. He lowered his head playfully near her left ear and whispered, "So are you happy being with me?" She nodded to this.

He tucked a curl behind her ear and the feel of his touch made her shiver. It was so quiet, she could hear every breath he took.  

"Let's enjoy every moment together until it's our last." , he said.

His hand smoothed the length of her hair as he gazed into her eyes, his expression tender and full of longing. His fingers trailed down her cheek to her lips, outlining the shape of her mouth. He bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly. Shivers ran through her whole body, making her tremble. He brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple then traced the line of her jawbone. 

The aching anticipation for his kiss was suddenly too much and she reached up and pulled his mouth to hers. He kissed her gently, carefully. 




The loud banging on the door disturbed the sweet little moment of the two. Astounded, Nirav checked his watch, it was 11:30 pm. Anika looked frightened. "Why would anyone bang our door so loudly this late?"

"Chill Anu, let me see what's the matter!", he said calming her.

But before he could move a step forward, Anika held Nirav's arm in an attempt to stop him. He took her hand in his and assured her that everything was fine. 

"Please open the door. I need help, please!", a voice erupted from the other side of the door.

"Oh my god Nirav, it's Rose!", Anika gave Nirav a worried look. "I knew that man Frank was an asshole. I just knew. And he must have done something wrong now!" Nirav stared at Anika for a second and then immediately rushed towards the door and Anika went behind him.

As he opened the door, panic-stricken Rose came into view. Her eyes were swollen because of crying. "Please, please, please, help me. I really need your help."

"We will help you but first tell us what's the matter?", Nirav said assuringly.

"My husband..... my husband Frank, he is in a very serious condition and I need a doctor right now. I can't leave him alone and go in search of a doctor. Can you please do me a favor and get a doctor?" Rose said with pleading eyes.

"What has happened to Frank? I mean what should I tell the doctor?", he questioned.

"He....", she stammered, "he is suffering from last stage cancer."

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